Before I start this review, I'd like to say that I don't believe Darth Maul's return is canon, so I'l be reviewing this episode on its own merit and will not be connecting it to the Star Wars Universe as a whole.
With that said, I thought this episode was pretty good; I liked it about as much as last week's episode. It wasn't totally awesome but it was all right and I enjoyed watching it. Though I wish it could have been about Obi-Wan and Anakin like I had first hoped when I heard the episode title(even though I knew it wouldn't).
The episode follows Savage as he tries to find his 'brother' Darth Maul. While he rampages through many places on his journey, many of the Jedi, Sith, and other Force wielders begin to sense that something sinister is growing.
The Good: I loved the scene at the Jedi Temple; the clip where we see the Temple standing tall in the rain was so beautiful and surreal. The scene with Obi-Wan and Yoda talking inside the Temple was also awesome; I loved seeing the rain on the windows, the dim eerie air in the room, and hearing the dialogue between the two(which was great!).
I also liked the scene with Anakin and Ahsoka at the diner. Anakin's line of "I'm HUNGRY!" was hilarious, I actually laughed at that part. The part where the guy was about to attack the Jedi with a frying pan was great; I especially liked the police's response. Though he ended up being a nice guy; giving the Jedi a free dinner and all.
Unlike a lot of people, I actually liked the snake-guide person, he was hilarious. I loved how he kept badgering Savage and how Savage yelled "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" The part where the snake tricks Savage into falling into the pit and saying that he will get the left-overs was funny in a creepy way.
I also thought it was interesting that the junker-people were a lot like the Sand People on Tatooine(though they also reminded me a little of Jawas; in looks, anyway). Oh and Darth Maul had SPIDER LEGS >:)
The Bad: Well, I'm not a big fan of either Savage of Maul so there scenes weren't all that interesting. Though I did like the part where they were 'talking' in that one cavern and Maul was saying he wanted revenge. I also didn't like it when Savage ejected that pilot out of the ship; that was cruel and unnecessary but then he WAS poisoned with the darkside by Talzin. I also don't like that Darth Maul is 'back' but I don't consider that canon as I said above.
All in all, an alright episode; not my favorite though I was very glad to see the Jedi, even for a short time. I'm really looking forward to next week's episode "Revenge" though I'm worried that Obi-Wan will get hurt since I saw something in a promo and he was. Though Yoda was talking like Obi-Wan would 'Have to finish what was started long ago,' and from what I hear, it's going to be good. I just hope Obi-Wan will be okay....
Here are some other reviews of the episode for you to check out
James at JandJ Productions - http://jandjproductions1809.blogspot.com/
Savanna at Pandas, Lightsabers, and Cameras, oh my! - http://pandasabercamera.blogspot.com/
Fallon at Fangirls on Felucia - http://fangirlsonfelucia.blogspot.com/
Solace Utara at Prophets of the Force - http://prophetsoftheforce.blogspot.com/
Well until next time, May the Force be with you....Always, my friends :)
Jedi Shena Tokala out
Okay - sweet picture at the top of your blog. And I don't know what show you're referencing, but as a closet Star Wars fan, I've got to find it.
ReplyDeleteThank you, glad you like it :)
DeleteIt's the show "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" and so far it's on the fourth season.
Thanks for the link! :D Great review :) I'm glad you enjoyed it in some parts ;D
ReplyDeleteThank you, Solace and you're welcome :D
DeleteThanks for linking to my blog. :) I added your link to mine. Good review, I liked more than you did since I am Savage Opress fan.
Thank you and you're welcome :). I'm glad you enjoyed the episode :)
Deleteyay someone else who liked the snake guide. hehe i found him entertaining (and slightly creepy) Great reveiw. I agree with alot of what you said i loved the sceee between obiwan and yoda, and the diner scene with anakin and ahsoka was great. Definitly looking foward to next week's episode. anyway Fantastic review. :D
ReplyDeleteThank you, jedigal :) Yeah the next episode is going to be epic! :D