My pride and joy- my purple lightsaber

My first actual plastic lightsaber

"Build You're Own Lightsaber" kit

Miniature lightsaber

My lightsaber with spring action

Prequel Trilogy piano music book

Easy piano music book

The Clone Wars piano music book

Obi-Wan telling Padme that Anakin has turned to the darkside

Anakin and Padme action figures

All my Obi-Wan Kenobi action figures

All my Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader action figures

The Phantom Menace Obi-Wan figure

The Phantom Menace Anakin figure

Attack of the Clones Obi-Wan figure

Revenge of the Sith Obi-Wan figure(In the Soresu stance)

Revenge of the Sith Anakin figure

Vader without his mask on

Obi-Wan looking after young Anakin

Shaak Ti action figure (AOTC)

New look Clone Wars Obi-Wan figure

Obi-Wan and Anakin figures

Brothers standing back-to-back(love this image!)

Obi-Wan and Anakin taking on droids

"What's wrong, Anakin?"

"I am very proud of you, Anakin"

Darth Vader action figure

Luke Skywalker action figure

Padme Amidala action figure

Kit Fisto action figure

A little Obi-Wan figure a friend gave me

R5-D4 action figure

Captain Rex and another Clone action figure

Little holographic people that used to come with figures
The Phantom Menace poster
Original Trilogy poster

Revenge of the Sith poster(actually belongs to my sister)

My TIE interceptor lego set

My Star Wars pajama pants

Star Wars 3D t-shirt

30th anniversary t-shirt

Star Wars: The Clone Wars t-shirt

"Trust me I'm a Jedi" t-shirt. LOVE THIS!!

Star Wars cards

Star Wars: The Clone Wars cards

You Can Draw Star Wars book

My Obi-Wan Kenobi notebook

One side of a TPM birthday sack

The other side

Two Star Wars: The Clone Wars birthday sacks

The lego Star Wars The Complete Saga X-Box 360 game

The Original Trilogy lego game for X-Box 360

Star Wars The Clone Wars Republic Heroes X-Box 360 game

Miniature Star Wars game

Star Wars Risk

Star Wars Trivial Pursuit- Saga Addition

Star Wars Monopoly

A game of my mom's "Escape from the Death Star"

My Jedi Cloak

My Jedi Tunic
where did u get the piano books from? i'd love to know. i play myself. :)
ReplyDeleteSorry for not responding till now, I didn't see the comment until just now. I got them off of Amazon.com. :)