Found this fun meme at Hamlette's Soliloquy(a blog I follow) and thought it looked like fun! :D
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Day 01 - Favorite moment/line in The Fellowship of the Ring:

When Sam determinedly follows Frodo and Frodo saves him from drowning at the end of the film.

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Boromir's redemption(saving Merry and Pippin) and his final conversation with Aragorn.
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Basically the entire Council of Elrond scene.
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Gandalf vs. the Balrog

This line always cracked me up XD

And basically all the scenes in Hobbiton
Though, to be honest, the whole movie is filled with awesome stuff! :D

such as WALKING for hours on end! XD
Day 02 - Favorite characters from each race
Oooo, cool question! :D Okay, let me see.
I always loved the Hobbits growing up. They aren't what everyone would view as 'hero material' but they are and they end up saving Middle Earth. They have great strength, even while they don't come across that way, which is just awesome. I love how the unexpected are heroes in Tolkien's work :)
“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future”
Sam Gamgee. I just find his character really inspiring and, as I've gotten older, I've realized he's my favorite. He's such a good, loyal friend and even though he isn't a mighty warrior, he is one of the strongest characters in the series and survives the entire journey to Middle Earth, while doing many heroic things(saving Frodo, keeping them grounded, actually being one of the few that could give up the ring, etc).
Frodo Baggins. I always loved Frodo's character and he's still one of my favorites. Very few could have undertaken the task he was dealt but he handled it impressively and only stumbled once(but it all ended up okay in the end).
Bilbo Baggins. I always liked Bilbo but he became a favorite when I watched The Hobbit films. Martin Freeman was just SO good at the role and I really came to love the character. He wasn't what was considered warrior material but he shaped up to be a good one, as well as a loyal friend to Thorin and all the Dwarves.
Pippin Took. Pippin is such a fun, hilarious character who grows up into an impressive figure(but still kept some of his innocence), which is something I appreciated.
Merry Brandybuck. Like Pippin, he grows to be more mature and becomes an impressive warrior in his own right.
The Elves were another species I always have found cool. I just loved the way Mr. Tolkien wrote them and their culture. They definitely do come across as different than the humans and, unlike most authors, they have an extensive history, which is something I definitely love.
Legolas. His character has always been a favorite of mine(ever since I first watched LOTR). He's amazing with a bow and arrow and his character has a nice arc in the films. His friendships with Gimli and Aragorn really affect him and it's cool to see how he becomes more relatable as a result(also, him learning to overcome prejudice is wonderful to see).
Tauriel. I know she's not in the books, but I really connected with her in the Hobbit trilogy. Not only was she an awesome fighter, but I could identify with her personality. I could relate to her juxtaposition of her wisdom and naivete, I could relate to her idealism, and I could relate to her innocence and aggressiveness. She was a great female character and I enjoyed her addition to the films(and yes, I'm a true fan).
Galadriel. She's a badass and one of the most powerful beings in Middle Earth. What's not to like?
The Dwarves were never a race was I particularly interested in until I watched The Hobbit movies. After getting a more in-depth look at them and their society I really began to like them a lot! :) Makes me want to re-read The Silmarillion and pay for attention to them.
Thorin Oakenshield. He's a badass who protected himself using a tree branch. What else is there to say XD Okay, just kidding(though that WAS awesome), but I just love how complex he is, how sympathetic he is, and just how he is a good person even with his flaws(and how he rose above them in the end). Plus, he's quite handsome :)
Kili. He's just so endearing and likable and adorable! Very fun, and tragic, character. Plus, he's handsome too :)
Gimli. He's hilarious, badass, and a great character. Enough said.
Eowyn. THIS GIRL IS AWESOME, SO THERE!! :D She was seriously one of my favorite female characters growing up and she still is one. I'm glad to have had her as one of my female role models growing up :)
Aragorn. I actually didn't like him when I first got into LOTR, but now that I'm older I definitely like him. He's a nice, good man and I love his relationship with Frodo in the first movie.
Faramir. He's a quieter man in comparison to Boromir and Aragorn, but he's still heroic and brave(and to be honest, that's one of my types).
Boromir. A flawed man who pulled through in the end and was a hero. He had a great character arc.

Day 03 - A location you love
Hobbiton/The Shire
Day 04 - Favorite sword
Day 05 - Favorite soundtrack
I like all the soundtracks, so here are some of my favorite soundtrack songs
The Riders of Rohan
The Uruk-Hai
"The Breaking of the Fellowship" + "In Dreams"
"Many Meetings"
"Concerning Hobbits"
"Misty Mountains"
"Council of Elrond"
"Feast of Starlight"
"Fields of the Pelennor"
"A Knife in the Dark"
"The Great River"
"Amon Hen"
"The Leave Taking"
"Samwise the Brave"
"Minas Morgul"
"Twilight and Shadow"
"The End of All Things"
"The Return of the King"
"My Dear Frodo"
"An Ancient Enemy"
"Out of the Frying Pan"
"The Adventure Begins"
"Axe or Sword" (it had a Clarinet solo, had to put it here XD)
Day 06 - Favorite moment/line in The Two Towers

The Two Towers was never my favorite movie of the trilogy(the whole 'little boys fight but oh no we can't have grown women doing anything' annoyingness got on my nerves), but it still does have some good parts. I love the above quote! :)

And this one!

Frodo and Sam's relationship is always a highlight.

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Always loved this scene XD

Last time I watched the movie, I really enjoyed Legolas and Gimli's friendship, which I hadn't paid much attention to before.

Gimli rolling down the hill XD

hehehe XD
Day 07 - Lines you quote most often in real life

I can't really quote in real life since most of my friends are online and no one gets the references :(
Day 08 - Favorite costumes
I LOVE the clothing the Hobbits wear! :D I seriously want to wear it!
I LOVE Frodo's green cloak. I really want it!
I love armor and Eowyn's is really cool! :D
Eowyn's white dress is a nice one. I'd make the neckline a tad more modest, but this is something I'd actually wear.
I LOVE Tauriel's battle garb. It's efficient, looks cool, and seems like something you could realistically wear in battle(which is awesome for a female character).
Elven battle garments are awesome in general.
Arwen's red dress is very pretty and with a higher neckline, I'd wear it(to the Red Carpet XD).
Day 09 - Scenes/things you laugh at
This scene always cracked me up XD

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Just don't tell the Elf! XD

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OH MY GOSH, THIS SCENE IS COMEDY GOLD! Kili, you silly goofball! Be glad Bilbo and Thorin were there to save you XD

and some other things that fans have made that were funny
Day 10 - Lord of the Rings character you relate to the most
Eowyn. We're both girls who don't fit the stereotypical 'female mold and while I don't have it as bad as her, I can definitely relate to facing pressures to not be a tomboy(not my immediate family or close friends, but definitely from others). We both have a desire to be strong and brave and to prove that to others; we also are idealistic individuals. Though, I wouldn't have become a healer like her(I would have stayed a fighter).
This article(which I don't fully agree with, I do like Eowyn in the movies too, but it does make some good points) also gives a better in-depth look at her personality that I feel is similar to my own. -
I relate to Sam because I don't come across as the warrior type(people probably think I'm a little goofy and innocent girl), but I definitely can take care of myself. Another thing that resonates with me is his loyalty to his friends. I tend to view myself as loyal to my friends(sometimes too much, oh well) and I could see myself doing what Sam did, being a quiet hero and helping to save the day.
We're intellectual and outsiders to a degree(luckily, my dad is nice, unlike Denethor who is a massive JERK), as well as being more quiet and introverted. He's a good fighter and can take care of himself, but he's not bombastic and bold, which is something that I can understand(since I'm like that).
Day 11 - Favorite moment/line in The Return of the King

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This scene is just beautiful. I could talk about it for a long time, but I'll let it speak for itself.

Eowyn KILLING the WITCH KING AND HIS NAZGUL!! YESS!!! Loved this! Made me so happy as a kid!! More girls like Eowyn in fiction please!! :D

Frodo saying goodbye :'(

Sam and Frodo after Mount Doom goes boom.

This speech is just so powerful and amazing.

"Well, I'm back".
Day 12 - Least-favorite costumes
Don't really have one
Day 13 - Favorite battle

Battle of Pelonnor Field

The Battle at Mordor
Day 14 - Lord of the Rings character you understand the least
Denethor. Like, seriously, he's an ASSHOLE who plays favorites. Not my kind of person.
Day 15 - Favorite moment/line in An Unexpected Journey

Bilbo saving Thorin's life by first BODYSLAMMING an orc and standing infront of the warrior's unconcious body. Like, seriously, that is just so COOL! I JUST LOVE THIS PART OKAY?! :D

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THIS SCENE! I was hoping and waiting for Thorin to come around eventually and I was so happy he did. And the hug was more than I could have asked for :) Definitely had me smiling at the end :)

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Thorin charging Azog thorugh the FIIIREEE(sorry, fire) like the majestic king he is.

This hilarious scene! XD I can't believe how dorky the dwarves were(well, except Thorin).

Bilbo's scenes with Gollum are perfectly crafted and excellently acted. Really showed a lot about both characters.

The Dwarves in Bag End is a lot of fun! XD

Basically Kili being awesome/adorable
Day 16 - Favorite song sung by a character(s) in the films
"Edge of Night"
"Misty Mountains"
"That's What Bilbo Baggins Hates"
"Rollin' Down the Hole" (from the animated film, but I like it!)
Day 17 - Scenes/things you cry at
When Frodo leaves for the Gray Havens :(
The Credits make me cry too! :(
Day 18 - The Hobbit character you relate to the most

Thorin and I have a lot of the same flaws, the main one being that we have an inner negative side that is juxtaposed with our good side. Seeing him struggle, on a larger scale than me, with the two sides made a great connection to me.

Tauriel and I have much in common which is one reason why I like her. Not only are we fighter types(and we're better at physical confrontation than at arguing with others), but we have the same mixture of maturity and innocence/naivety, which I find comforting(because that is exactly how I feel at college!). Also, I think we have the same type(I several, but whatever) when it comes to who we're attracted to XD

We have the same mix of wanting to go on adventures and wanting to stay home, as well as loyalty to those we are friends. We would also save someone who wasn't all that nice to us, because it was the right thing to do.
Day 19 - A location you never want to visit
I'd rather not visit Mordor while Sauron was in power(maybe after the War of the Ring?).
Day 20 - Favorite moment/line in The Desolation of Smaug
In no particular order

I really enjoyed Tauriel and Kili's scenes in this film(whether they are interacting together or are separate).

The whole scene in the barrels is definitely my favorite! :D Such a fun scene! XD

I also love the various scenes between Thorin and Bilbo- really enjoy their friendship.

Really liked Kili's scenes in this film.

Tauriel is an awesome fighter!!! Love watching her fight! :D

LOVE all of Thorin's scenes!

Day 21 - Favorite couple
Tauriel/Kili. I know it's not in the books, but I really enjoyed this addition to the films. It didn't take over the plot and I found it to be very sweet :) It's rare that I like a pairing a lot, and they definitely won me over in this film :)
Eowyn/Faramir. I also like how sweet this one is(and they get married and don't die til they are old!). I think they were a very good match and both helped the other, and respected the other, which is what being a couple is all about.
Aegnor/Andreth. I read about this while looking up questions in regards to Middle Earth and I really liked them. Usually, in almost all fiction, it's a female elf and a male human but seeing it the other way around was nice :) Plus, I like what I read of it.
Day 22 - Costume you most want to wear
I want Frodo's green cloak and the kind of clothing the Hobbits wear on the journey!
Tauriel's battle garb.
Eowyn's armor
Eowyn's dress(with a higher top)
Arwen's red dress(but with a higher neckline).
Day 23 - The Hobbit character you understand the least
I understand them all pretty much by the end. Azog or Smaug I guess, since they are evil and jerks.
Day 24 - Favorite moment/line in The Battle of the Five Armies

THIS SCENE IS THE BEST SCENE!!! Like, seriously, punched me right in the emotions which hardly ever happens(and made me cry). Like, seriously, it's so depressing but so, so well done.

Thorin's death scene with Bilbo talking to him was also very poignant, especially Thorin's last words.

Thorin's battle scenes are epic as always. Loved his one on one with Azog, very well choreographed. (and I was literally thinking "THORIN! Get off the ICE! NOW!" )

I also really enjoyed the Tauriel/Kili scenes we got in the films, especially the above one. :)

Why is Kili so beautiful here? ARGH!

The ending where Tauriel is holding a dead Kili is very well and a good scene as well :(

"Because it was real".

You lot had BETTER have had tea at Bilbo's at least once!

As always, loved the Thorin and Bilbo scenes in this film. Their friendships is one of my favorite parts about the films.

Day 25 - Characters you wish you liked more
I don't feel this way about any of them- I like them or I don't.
Day 26 - Favorite one-on-one fight

Eowyn vs. the Watch King and the Nazgul. AWESOME STUFF!
Thorin vs. Azog in TBOTFA
Sam vs. Shelob(cool!!)
And Legolas killing the Oliphaunt
Day 27 - Favorite end song
"Into the West"
"Song of the Lonely Mountain"
"May It Be"
"I See Fire"
"The Last Goodbye"
"In Dreams"
"Gollum's Song"
Day 28 - Favorite Middle Earth-related item(s) you own
I'm at college so I can't take pictures of too many of my things
I do have this awesome posted of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" I also own a lot of the books and other such things.
Great meme! I was going to say "oh yeah I liked that part too," but there were too many great things! XD Tolkien's world is so amazing, and the films were pretty great too. :) I enjoyed reading your post!
ReplyDeleteThank you! :D Too true, LOL XD Definitely, love them so much! :D