Actor, Writer, Jedi, Singer,

You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
First look at Thor: The Dark World
Here is the first look at Thor: The Dark World which is one of the films I am looking forward to this year! :D
So, what do you think? I think this looks awesome!! :D I can't wait to see Thor and Loki and Odin and Jane and Sif again! :D. This is going to be great! :D :D :D I'm very excited! :)
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Doctor Who Review (so far)

(borrowed from James's Doctor Who post- I thought it was a cool gif).
FYI - This is a review and what I put here is just my opinion- other people will have differing views on what they think of the various seasons/Doctors/companion, etc.
Oh, and of course, SPOILERS ;)
While I wait to watch Doctor Who season 7, I thought I'd write a review of the show so far and tell you what I think of the various characters and Doctors :)
This show is one of my favorite TV shows ever and is one of the best Sci-Fi stories I've ever come across- I love the Time traveling, the aliens, the different planets, etc. I love all the seasons, but my favorite were the ones under Russel T. Davies, since I think he had the best feel of the show and I love the sense and atmosphere he brought to the show during his run as the show runner- it was beautifully written. I really wish he would return.
Before I start, though, I'll give you an idea of what the story is about- it follows the story of being called The Doctor who is the last of his race, the Timelords, who travels time and space and saves the earth and humans over and over again.
Season 1:
I know this may surprise a lot of you, but I didn't like Doctor Who before I started it (it's a long, personal-ish, story(and it had nothing to do with the content-I'm a very open minded person, it was something else)- so message me is you want to hear it), so I was originally going to watch it to give it a chance. And I fell in love with the show very quickly!! :D Season 1 was the perfect start to the show and I absolutely loved Christopher Eccelston as the Ninth incarnation of the Doctor(he ties with Ten as my favorite Doctor); he brought the perfect mixture of darkness and humor the to the character and we really got the feel of a bitter, emotionally compromised man who is dealing with the wracking guilt of destroying his race. And of course, the main companion, Rose Tyler, was amazing! :D She is, and always will be, my favorite companion on the show. I love how she proves her awesomeness right from the first episode where the rescues the Doctor!
While some people might be turned off by the bad effects(I didn't really pay attention since the story and characters were so good), the first season is, to me, one of the best of the show so far- I loved every episode and that's something that can't be said for many shows.
I really enjoyed the interactions between Nine and Rose- the actors worked very well together and I enjoyed seeing their relationship develop over the course of the season- and I love how their interest in each other doesn't feel rushed, so kudos to the phenomenal Russel T. Davies, the actors, and the writers for that :D
Besides the two main characters, I also enjoyed the various characters we meet over the course of the season- especially the awesome Captain Jack, who I instantly liked from the beginning :D. He is a great character and is one of the best LGBT characters I've come across(I love how he is an action hero) :) I really can't wait to start Torchwood so I can see even more of him :)
The season, like the other of the first four seasons, had an amazing finale and definitely made me feel sad that Nine was gone; I remember I missed him, just like Rose did, which shows the talent of the writers- they made us feel along with the characters.
Plus, Rose totally rocked in that finale, didn't she ;) BAD WOLF!
Favorite episodes
The Parting of the Ways
Bad Wolf
The Doctor Dances
The Empty Child
Father's Day
The Long Game
Least Favorite episodes
Season 2:
I also enjoyed seeing the Doctor and Rose become even closer this season- it's a testament to the actors and the writers that they were able to keep their relationship at the same level(and have it grow) even though the actor playing the Doctor changed. The well done writing and acting involved in the growth of their relationship as made it one of my top OTPs, which is impressive since I'm extremely picky.
Two sets of episodes that I want to touch upon were the two involving the 'devil' figure and the impossible planet. These two episodes were among my favorites for many reasons, especially the themes in it. I loved how, at the beginning, we see the people on the ship treat the Ood as just cattle but by the end, when they are logging into their computer who died, they named off all the Ood who had perished with respect and treated them as sentient beings. I thought this was definitely a good message to send out, that all humans and all life should be treated with respect. Plus, the episode had some awesome quotes and was very creepy(as well as some good Doctor and Rose scenes)
This was Rose's last season as a full time companion and I was very sad to see her go at the end of the season(even though I knew she was going to come back in the fourth season), though her ending was fitting of her character and while sad, was an excellent ending to a beautiful season. (But Rose, along with 10, will be returning in the 50th Anniversary!!! WAHOO!).
Favorite episodes
The Satan Pit
The Impossible Planet
Army of Ghosts
Age of Steel
Rise of the Cyberman
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
The Christmas Invasion
School Reunion
Least Favorites episodes
The Girl in the Fireplace
Love & Monsters
Season 3:
Even though I was very sad to see Rose go, I still loved season 3; is had an amazing batch of episodes(I LOVED the last three- amazing stuff right there) and I really liked the companion of Martha. I liked how difference she was from Rose's character(Rose was an everyday girl who worked at a shop and Martha was training to be a doctor) and how she interacted and helped(as well as Donna) the Doctor through his loss of Rose(I loved how in the first episode he saw a blond girl dancing with someone across the room and it reminded him of Rose which made him have to look away- that was perfect showing instead of telling).
I also loved the introduction of the Master who is probably one of the best Doctor Who villains we've had- the Doctor's conflicting relationship with the Master is wonderful and very sad and I loved how they explored it. The end of this season was very powerful and very sad.
Another thing I enjoyed was the "End of the Universe" concept explored in the last three episodes of the season. It was very eerie and creepy, yet wonderfully dark and well written. And of course, I was very happy to see the return of Captain Jack, who gets even cooler as we learn that he can't die(and is the Face of Boe, bwahahahahahaha XD).
Favorite episodes
Last of the Time Lords
The Sound of Drums
The Shakespeare Code
Smith and Jones
The Runaway Bride
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
Least Favorite episodes
Human Nature
Family of Blood
Season 4(Plus the Tennant specials):
Season 4 was yet another stellar season on this show! Since I was a Rose fan, I'd been looking forward to this one since I'd heard she was coming back, but the season was awesome in it's own right and I loved getting to see Donna Noble from the season 3 opening episode again since she is an enjoyable character and hilarious to boot! XD I really enjoyed getting to see a companion who was not romantically interested in the Doctor and just wanted to be friends with him since that would be me :) (I think it would, anyway). I really enjoyed seeing her develop as a character and how her presence really helped the Doctor and, in ways, continued making him better just as Rose had.
I also, of course, loved this season's finale. It was perfect in how it brought all the companions from all the past seasons of the reboot as well as the spin-offs(Torchwood and the Sarah Jane chronicles) and how Rose was brought back. The ending was, in true Doctor Who fashion, very sad- I felt so bad for Donna, she definitely had a depressing ending :( And that scene where the Doctor said goodbye to her and she was just "bye". That was so SAD! :( D:. I think they had a good ending for Rose's storyline- I liked that she ended up happy with Ten 2 who she could grow old with, though I definitely feel bad for the Doctor that he had to let her go.
While I thought the first of the four Tennant specials was a little weak, I did enjoy the creepy "Waters of Mars" and I, of course, loved the End of Time part 1 and 2. Ten's relationship with Donna's grandfather Wilfred(which has been shown in the series a couple of times) was beautifully done and made Wilfred one of my favorite companions even though we see him only a few times. I loved how they had an almost parent-child relationship thing going on even though the Doctor was way older than Wilfred(A favorite scene of mine included when they both said they'd be honored to be the others son/father).
Another great thing about this two-parter was that we got to see the Master again as well as the Time Lords of old which was amazing (especially the fact that we might have gotten to see the Doctor's mother). I really enjoyed how, at the end, the Doctor and the Master almost work together and how the Doctor saves Wilfred from the toxins. The ending, with the Ood singing the Doctor to sleep while he visits all of his companions and helps them out, was a perfect send off for David Tennant as the Doctor and was one of the best moments of the show.
Another interesting fact about this season was that, in my opinion, it had the two creepiest creatures on the entire show so far. The first was the sentient water from Mars- it might have been because I was about to go swimming(and I did), but it was very creepy and something the Doctor had a whole lot of trouble defeating. The other, which was pointed out to me in a tumblr post, was the creature in the beautifully dark episode "Midnight". They said that, the Doctor wouldn't have been able to defeat it(he was loosing to it as well as the people who were turning against him) and, had the hostess not sacrificed her life to kill that creature, it would have gotten loose(and the sad thing is, no one knew her name).
Favorite episodes
Journey's End
The Stolen Earth
Turn Left
The Poinson Sky
The Sontaran Stratagem
The Doctor's Daughter
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Partner's in Crime
Fires of Pompeii
Least Favorite episodes
Voyage of the Damned
And on a light note, here is an awesome video celebrating David Tennant's run on Doctor Who
Season 5:

While the weakest season of Doctor Who so far, it was still an enjoyable season and had a several fantastic episodes. Though I wasn't expecting to like Matt Smith's Doctor all that much, he won me over quite quickly. Even though she's not my favorite, I also enjoyed the character of Amy and I especially liked her boyfriend Rory. One thing I noticed that I found odd was that, for some reason, the urgency I'd felt from the first four seasons, as well as the darkness of the Doctor's character, seemed absent in this season(and partially in season 6, though that season did have some of it). I'm not sure if it was just me or what.
The best episode of this season was definitely "Vincent and the Doctor". It was very reminiscent of the first four seasons in how it was written and it was very moving and beautifully done; definitely one of the shows most touching episodes. I also really enjoyed "The Lodge"; I really enjoyed Craig and the episode was hilarious! XD (I love the tooth brush and towel scene XD LOL)
Oh, and who could forget "LOOK AT ME, I'M A TARGET!!! XD XD)
Favorite episodes
Vincent and the Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens
The Hungry Earth
Cold Blood
The Time of Angels
Least favorite episodes
I guess Victory of the Daleks and Vampires of Venice
Season 6:

While not as good as the first four seasons, I absolutely loved season 6, especially the first batch of episodes and the last batch! :D. The Christmas special, A Christmas Carol, was one of the best episodes of the show and my favorite Christmas special after "The Christmas Special" and was the best adaption of Charles Dicken's book I've seen. The series (officially) began with a bang, showing us the awesome episodes revolving around the Silence, an astronaut, the Apollo mission, and strange things happening during the time of Nixon(I thought it was cool that he was in the show; I really enjoyed the line the Doctor says to him when Nixon asks whether or not he will be remembered since it was sad and ironic at the same time). The Silence were a great villain to introduce, were nicely creepy, and I now love to joke about them.
The episodes around the middle were a little bland, but the season cranked back up with the amazing "Girl Who Waited" which made me really like Amy's character and gave her a lot more development which I was very happy about(plus, I loved the quote she said about Rory, I find it to be very true) :). Of course, I was very happy to see the return of Craig in "Closing Time" as well as his son "Stormaggedon: Dark Lord of All". The episode was a great usage of humor and had me laughing several times.
This scene had me in stitches XD
I did have one problem with this season however and that was the sexist remark said by the Doctor in "Let's Kill Hitler."
Here is it -
Amy: “I don’t understand. Okay, one minute she’s going to marry you then she’s going to kill you.”
Eleven: “Ah, well, she’s been brainwashed. It all makes sense to her. Plus, she’s a woman.”
I found this to be, of course sexist, but also very out of character for the Doctor. I've always seen him to be beyond such generalizations and to have a more open mind than most people; in fact, I'd say that he was supposed to be something we should aspire to be, in that kind of regard(accepting others for who they are, enjoying diversity instead of shunning it, etc). And the fact that they were having him reinforce a stereotypical, worn-out, untrue belief is, in my interpretation of the character, is just plain wrong and out of character.
Favorite episodes
Closing Time
The Impossible Astronaut
Day of the Moon
A Christmas Carol
The Girl Who Waited
The Curse of the Black Spot
The Almost People
The Rebel Flesh
The Wedding of River Song(except the wedding part since I don't like the ship Doctor/River).
I did really enjoy the season as a whole, though, I can't wait for season 7! :D

So, all in all, this is definitely a show I'd recommend to viewers. Unlike a lot of people, I would recommend starting with series one of the reboot(or with classic Who if you can get a hold of it; I really want to watch it), since, while not for everyone, you'll be missing out on a lot of great things like the Ninth Doctor, Rose's growth as a character, the awesome episodes, the introduction of Captain Jack, and just the whole experience of being there for the entire ride :) :)
Hope you all enjoyed and May the Force be with you..Always..
And Allonsy! Fantastic! :D
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Middle-Earthen Favorites Tag

Arda did this challenge on her blog and I thought I'd do it as well since it looked like fun :)
(P.S.; after this busy week, I've got a Doctor Who review post coming up :D).
Favorite book: Return of the King or Fellowship of the Ring
Favorite movie (LOTR or The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey): Return of the King of course!! :D I do love all of them, though
Favorite Hobbit character: Bilbo
Next 3 favorite Hobbit characters: Kili, Thorin, and Gandalf (I also like Balin)
Favorite LOTR character: Sam
Next 5 favorite LOTR characters: Eowyn, Frodo, Pippin, Merry, and Legolas(and Aragorn and Gandalf, etc ,etc).
Favorite race (Elf, Dwarf, Hobbit, Man, etc.): Elves and Hobbits
Favorite couple: Not really into any of the LOTR couples, but I do like Eowyn/Faramir
Favorite member of the Fellowship of the Ring: Sam
Favorite member of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield: Besides Bilbo...Thorin or Kili
Favorite place in Middle-Earth: The Shire and Rohan and Rivendell
Favorite battle: Battle at Pelennor Fields
Favorite weapon: Sting
Favorite creature: Shadowfax and Smeagol
Favorite quote: Hold your ground, hold your ground! Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you *stand, Men of the West!*
-Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Favorite song: (end credits/in movie): *Example: "May It Be" or "That's What Bilbo Baggins Hates"*:
Song of the Lonely Mountain
Into the West
and I also love In Dreams
Favorite theme (movie score):
Rohan theme
Friday, April 5, 2013
Update and Question

Okay, so, before my crazy week begins, I thought I'd give you a quick update on how I'm going and what's coming up for me before asking a quick question :)
So, I've been doing okay, though I am getting stressed. I have the ACT coming up next Saturday O_O as well as two auditions in the next week for the plays The Sound of Music, Parade, Kiss Me Kate and Annie; I'm hoping I get into at least one of them :)
I've also got my piano recital coming up, so I have to have my piece memorized soon, as well as my lines for "The Man Who Came to Dinner."(though I pretty much have those).
I am going to be really busy, especially next week, so I won't be blogging that much, but I'll hopefully have some new posts coming up after that :)
I'm also hoping to get a job this summer and working on my Driving Permit(what I needed came in so I can hopefully take the test soon).
I was really annoyed today because, while telling some kids in my cast about Taekwondo, they(unintentionally) began dissing it, saying it wasn't 'an effective' fighting style(they thought take downs were too complicated and take to long to learn...well guys what, they work very well, I've seen them done and been taken down*and taken others down* myself) and that their were 'statistics' that an ordinary street fight/boxer person could beat a black belt very easily. Of course I know this is a very dumb statement, but for some reason I got very angry and I actually started crying when trying to do my scene(we were running through scene 1 again). So yeah, not happy, but the adults and some of the other kids were nice to me, so that's good. I just wish people would realize that when you speak negatively of something someone cares about, that's it's rude(had someone do that to me regarding one of my favorite actors..and they were grown ups).
Anyway, enough about that- on to my question.
So, I'm currently watching Angel, Once Upon A Time(when it comes back after yet ANOTHER hiatus), Merlin, and Modern Family. I also plan to start watching Downton Abbey with my Mom(who's already seen it; we all just want to see the British version since it's uncut) and sister this summer; plus, I'm waiting on Doctor Who and Sherlock. Since I plan on finishing Angel in the next couple of months(I'm on season 3 of the five seasons currently), I've been debating on what my next show should be from a list I've concocted. There are several I want to watch next, but I can't decide which I should start with.
My list is of shows I want to watch at some point are(ones that are out, anyway; I really want to start S.H.I.E.L.D when it comes out) -

Robin Hood by the BBC. It's only three seasons and the show has ended, so I was thinking of starting this one next. I've always loved the Robin Hood story(I used to play it as a kid with my friends and it was AWESOME) and I've heard this version was good, so I'm looking forward to it :)
I've heard a lot of good things about this show and since I'm a fan of Buffy, I'll definitely like this one. I've already seen clips, and I really like the characters of Dean and Castiel already. I know it's on it's eighth season and counting, but I know I can get through it(it will take me a while though)

I love Doctor Who, so of course I want to watch it's spin-off! :D I also like Captain Jack, so seeing him again will be really cool :) I've also seen some clips of it, and I can tell I'll like it :)

I've been wanting to watch Star Trek for a while now, so I'm definitely hoping to start this one at some point. I'll be starting with the original series(since it has Spock), but I'll definitely watch the later shows like Next Generation and Voyager(and probably all the rest of them)
Another sci-fi show? Of course I'm going to watch it. I plan on watching the old and the new one :)

I've been told this was a good show(the first person being my this guy I saw two days in a row and who I talked to for a bit) and when I heard that one of my favorite actors, Robert Carlyle, was in the third one "Star Gate Universe", was when I definitely decided I had to watch it soon! :D

I wasn't really interested in this show, but then I heard that one of my favorite actors, Emilie de Ravin, was in it, I instantly became interested(since I wanted to see her in more shows); It does sound like an interesting story and while a long running show, I know I'll like it since the creators of Once Upon A Time were writers on this show and several guest stars(and other actors) on OUAT were on Lost :D.
While I don't care for the Romeo and Juliet story, I do really want to see this anime. I've heard that it's the best rendition of the whole story and from what I've heard, I know I'm going to love it! :D

I'm also interested in animes like Tsubasa and Princess Tutu since my sister said they're really good :D
And I'm also interested in watching Warehouse 13. :)
If you have any other show ideas, let me know :)
Thanks! :D
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