WE WON!! WE WON!! WE WON!! THANK GOD!!! :D :D Barack Obama is President for another term!! As a female, a sister to a Latino/Mayan Indian, and a supporter of LGBT community, this news is very good to hear!! :D (I keep listening to the above song XD)
It's late(midnight) and I'm tired so I apologize for any grammar mistakes in this post.
If you follow me, you probably know by now that I'm a hardcore Liberal Democrat so I am, of course, very happy about tonight's turnout(I was jumping up and down, shouting, WE WON!; I even danced with my brother's Obi-Wan Kenobi doll). We stayed at the Democrat Headquarters for awhile, before returning home.
Oh yeah, and all the suckers who talked about the evil R thing and kept saying things about it that I can't even repeat, it was too horrible(those men are sick).......well, they got beat! By females! YES!!
And go Elizabeth Warren, we are very happy to see you won(and we have the majority in the Senate, yes!)
(WARNING- I'm going to be talking about some pretty crude people and what they said, so there will be some profanities that will code out).
Earlier today, I went out with my family, some friends of ours, and other Democrats to hold out signs in support of our Presidents. Since I live in a mostly Republican area, I was surprised to see a more positive reaction to us- we have quite a few people wave, honk their horns, give us thumbs up, and did the rock symbol. Of course, we had a load of horrible people as well- we had several mean people flip us off, give us thumbs down, spew black gas at us from their cars, and scream profanities and cruel things at us. And what's even worse, was that we had little children with us(a five year old, two seven year old,) which I find sickening and sad.
The worst was definitely this B@stard who SCREAMED "F*** you! F*** Obama!"(we had another guy say something similar to us but it wasn't as loud) at us, while shaking his middle finger at us like a psycho. I was SO pissed off at this person- it really hurt my feelings and made very, very, VERY angry >:( >:( . Another one that was really bad was several girls who yelled "Obama sucks" at us. Since I was furious over the b@stard being such an a**, I had prepared a comeback so when one of the girls drove by, I shouted at her "I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER OBAMA'S AWESOMENESS!!!!!" I wish I could have said it to those terrible, terrible people(another girl who screamed this nearly crashed her car into the one before her; we were saying that if an accident had happened, we would have went over there and made sure everyone was okay).
So, TAKE THAT people who said "F*** you" to me earlier today. TAKE THAT!!!!!!!!!

If you want to know why I support Barack Obama for President, I'll give my reasons below
1: As a female, I want to keep the rights I have and to make sure other woman have the same rights as well. I want woman to have the ability to have an abortion if they need it, such as- if the woman's life is in danger and she will die if she doesn't get it or in cases of the evil R thing. No one likes the idea of abortion and we all wish it didn't have to happen but sometimes it does so we must do the right thing. We don't want the woman to die along with her unborn child(at least save one life when you can) and we don't want a woman to have her r@***t's baby and even get visitation rights(that is so sick). I also want to have the same pay as men on jobs and I want the ability to gain contraceptives to be easy. The President has been a staunch supporter of women so I believe that he will help thrust our country into the future where women and men are equal in every way :D
2: My second reason is the fact that he supports the rights of minorities and since racism is a cruel thing and I have a brother who is Mayan Indian/Latino so I definitely want people of every skin pigmentation to be treated equally(plus, color is only skin deep; it's the person's heart's that matter). Since Mr. Obama is half black and since he supports the rights of all races, it is another reason why I support this man.
3: President Obama also supports the rights of Gays, Lesbians, Bi's, and Transgenders(he is the first President to openly say he supports them) and as person who wants to see all of these people happy, treated fairly, and get the right to marry the person they love without discrimination, I will support the President who also supports these people.
4: He supports Health Care which, while still not perfect, is a great thing that has saved and helped many people. He has also ended an unnecessary war and plans on ending the rest of them; he sent the people who took out Bin Ladin, the man responsible for 911. I also love his response to Hurricane Sandy and how efficient it was.
Plus, whenever I listen to his speeches, I always find myself agreeing with him- I don't agree with everything he thinks, of course, but our views are very similar. And as a future voter, I think it's important to go with what seems right to you.
And before go, I'd like to congratulate Tammy Baldwin on being the first openly gay Senator in history. :D
I'm a conservative, but those guys you ran into who yelled those horrible things at you makes me feel sick! I know people like that and it'sn not cool. Unfortunately the right wing can get very obnoxious at times.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I don't want to go into a political discussion, but even though I wasn't rooting for Obama I'll say this - congratulations! I'm glad for you that you and your family supported him, and you didn't back away from making a statement. Good for you! :)
Thank you very much!! :D :D :D :D I'm glad to see people like you in your party :D If only everyone could be civil- I think politics would be a lot smoother sailing. :)
DeleteI'm excited that President Obama is back for another term, too! Good job supporting him... those people were so evil to you! I'm also glad about the majority in the senate and I find poetic justice in the fact that those misogynistic Senators were beaten soundly by women.
ReplyDeleteThank you! :D I agree, I'm so very happy those misogynistic guys got beaten by women :)Mwhahahahaha XD
DeleteDid you enjoy your first time voting? I missed out on it by a year.
How are you liking college so far?
I did enjoy my first time voting- it felt amazing! Stinks that you couldn't vote yet.. :( I am enjoying college... I'm taking a botany class where we get to do experiments on plants.. and I'm in the orchestra... it's awesome!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed voting :D Thank you :) I will be voting in the next election as well as midterms.
DeleteI'm glad your enjoying college! :D Your class sounds like fun, Botany is a very interesting field of science. That's cool that your in orchestra, I'm glad you like it :D What is your plans for your major?
I'm really looking forward to college as well! :D
I'm planning to major in English. I took a couple of classes my senior year of high school, and really enjoyed it. I thought that the general education classes that I would have to take would be boring, but they haven't been at all. My government class, for instance, is really interesting! Have you been thinking about what you'd like to major in?
DeleteThat's awesome that your going into English- that is definitely a good field of study for you :D. I'm glad your enjoying your general education classes- I agree, government is really interesting to learn about.
DeleteI plan on majoring in Performing Arts/Acting(they also have classes on directing and other areas of film/theater that I will be taking) and minoring in Creative Writing :)
That sounds pretty cool! One of my friends is majoring in Theater, and for the final exam for one of her classes, she gets to design a costume!
DeleteThank you!! :D That sounds really awesome! I think in a couple of the colleges I've looked at, that was one of the classes I could take.
DeleteWhat's your favorite class so far?
I really like the Cultral Geography class I'm taking, as well as my botany class. My favorite class that I've taken ever was a British Literature class... we read a lot of plays and poetry, and novels.
DeleteThose classes all sound really cool. I"m glad you like them. The literature class sounds really cool- I love reading literature, especially European literature. What was your favorite story/play/poem that you studied in that class? I did a literature/college writing prep class this summer with one of the professor's and we read several really well done works, one of them being "The Sound and The Fury" by William Faulkner.
DeleteSorry for this response being so late- been buried under a mountain of assignments, and have just now worked my way to the top of them. That writing prep class sounds really good- The Sound and the Fury is one of my favorite works by Falkner.In class last year, we read Frankenstein which I enjoyed, and also covered a good number of short stories, including Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper (which I did a paper on, about how it's really a "stealth" feminist work) and Flannery O'Conner's A Good Man is Hard to Find. What I liked best of all was studying T. S, Elliot's The Wasteland (Poem) and some short stories from James Joyce's "Dubliners" story collection in my British literature II class. I did a blog on some of the works that we covered as an assignment- you can see it on my profile if you're interested!
DeleteThat's fine, school, especially college, can get very hectic. I'm glad you worked through it all. Thank you! :) I agree, The Sound and The Fury was really good(I need to read some of his other books at some point). That's really cool! :) I read an abridged version of Frakenstein several years ago and I've wanted to read the unabridged for awhile now- I'm glad you enjoyed it. That's awesome how her short story was a stealth feminist work :D I love it when writers do that sort of thing. I read that short story by Flannery O'Conner last year in literature and it was really interesting. That's really cool, I heard a lot of T.S. Elliot's work in the book "The Taking" since the heroine really liked him and it was quoted a lot before each section and throughout the story. I really like how he writes. That's cool; I've looked at your blog and it's really cool, I like some of the points you have made on there :)
DeleteI love college, but yes, it can get pretty crazy.
DeleteOh you've read The Taking? I really enjoyed that book, mostly because of all the Elliot references! Thanks for reading my blog- it was a pretty cool assignment to do!
I'm glad you like college :)
DeleteYes, I listened to a recording of The Taking with my Dad(who had already read the book) on the way and on the back from my Granny's birthday. I also really enjoyed the book, it was very exciting and creepy. Your're welcome :)
well... i was pulling for Romney.
ReplyDeleteThat's fine
DeleteMy parents voted for Romney, so I was pretty disappointed last night...but I think it is really amazing that your family supports the person you believe so well. I wish everybody would do that!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your post though I didn't agree with the abortion and lesbian points since I am a Catholic. No offense though. :D I really admire you for standing up so strongly for what you believe is right.
I'm sorry you are disappointed, I know I would be, but thank you very much for your kind words :D. No offense taken, it is your right to believe what you want :)
DeleteThank you very much :D I admire you for how well you are handling it- I'm happy to see you representing your party well :D
Ah, I've been to places with much worse profanities that I have a hard time believing even seeing it with my own eyes :P
ReplyDeleteI supported Obama too, and we were watching the election Wednesday morning in our timezone in Social Studies class. When he won we danced around the room :P
You've got good reasons. One thing I didn't like about Romney is that he supports military spendings and it's already too much. Take eight days of spending out and you can feed every hungry soul for a year.
I'm sorry about that- I wish people wouldn't go around screaming cuss words all the time(I've cussed, but I don't do it all loudly).
DeleteThat's great! :D I'm glad you supported him! :D Thank you :) That's cool that you watched the election :)
I agree, that is definitely one of the reasons I didn't like Romney- we already spend too much on the military as it is. Also, he wanted to give the navy more boats when the navy told him they didn't need anymore. Oh, and he insulted England right before the Olympics(plus he's a liar).
Oh! That's great news! I support Obama, too (maybe it's because his stepfather's an Indonesian, apart from the fact that he supports women and their rights).
ReplyDeleteGotta agree with all your points! Even though I'm Catholic, I got nothing against homosexuality or contraception. Who knows they might be God's way of reducing this world's overgrown population?
I agree, I'm glad you think so!! :D :D I agree, those are very good reasons to support him(and I agree, it's pretty cool his stepfather was Indonesian; he actually lived there for a little bit).
DeleteThank you, I'm glad you agree! :D Good point :)
I definitely voted for Romney (first time voting, what up!), but I am not going to hold it against you that you support Obama. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to get into my beliefs on the hot topics, but I will say that I disagree with you on a lot of points. As for being conservative vs. liberal, my best friend here at college is a strong liberal, so I am not ignorant. However, I would not label myself as either. I feel like doing that usually creates a stereotype that is not accurate. I am more liberal on some issues and more conservative in others.
That being said, I am certainly not a Democrat, but I am not a Republican either. And Third parties...well, not at all. They are too extreme for my liking. :)
Congrats on your first time voting :) I'm glad your not since a lot of people do. That is fine, I disagree with a lot of things people believe and I believe that in America, we have the right to free speech and to think how we want to think as long it stays civil.
DeleteThat's good that you are balanced and I'm glad you can see both sides; which beliefs are you liberal and conservative on? For myself, even though I'm a huge liberal, have a more conservative view on capital punishment, though I do think we should be completely sure before executing them.
Maybe your an independent :)
Well, I am more conservative about women's roles in the military, the church, and the home (I would rather have male soldiers overseas, male pastors, and the man being the head of the household spiritually). I do not support abortion under any circumstance, nor am I in favor of homosexuality in any form. But on the other hand, I am more liberal when it comes to how I treat those people. I will accept and love gays and lesbians just as much as straight people.
DeleteI do think that the government needs to stop spending so much and start working on the national debt. Just throwing that out there. :)
Ah okay
DeleteI just got a rude-sih comment on here.
ReplyDeleteSo I deleted it.
If you can't say something nice, you shouldn't say anything. Seriously, I don't write mean comments on people who post opposite political view points on their blogs. If I read it, I don't make a comment at all since it's their blog post and their life and I'm not going to be mean about it. And yes, there is an Attack on Women(I don't call it a war unless it's an actual war) and it's pretty ugly.
Bye bye, Miss American pie.