Got some good reading in this year :) Read lots of plays and classical novels for school (which I enjoyed), but I still got to enjoy some for-fun fiction as well :) Also read some good fanfics, one of which was one I read throughout the year as the lady updated it :) It was very good, especially as a religious person and Destiel shipper like myself <3 p="">
How many books read in 2017:
A little over 60 books, plays, and short stories.
How many fiction and non fiction?:
Mostly fiction
Male/Female author ratio?:
Uhhhh, not sure? Probably male if we take into account all my school reading.
Favorite book of 2017?:
Star Wars comics (Clone Wars, Knights of the Old Republic)
Trials of Apollo: The Dark Prophecy
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Hammer of Thor
Rebel Force: Renegade
King Henry IV
Julius Caesar
Cat's Cradle
Richard III
The Merchant of Venice
King Lear
Joseph Andrews
The Little Clay Cart
Least favorite?:
It was a re-read, but I can't stand "Boys and Girls" (a short story) by Alice Murno. I didn't hate anything else I read, but "The Midwives Book" was hard to get through, Doctor Faustus wasn't the greatest, and "The Rover" was a bit creepy. I was also disappointed with Malinda Lo's "Huntress." The world building was really cool, but the romances were too rushed, the characters were flat, and she did WAY too much POV changes (in mid sentence. NO NO NO). If anyone knows of any well written F/F stories, I'd love to hear them since I feel I don't read enough (and I should read an equal amount of stories with F/F, M/F, and M/M in order to be fair).
Trials of Apollo: The Dark Prophecy is the one I'd say is the newest
Longest and shortest book titles?:
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Hammer of Thor was the longest
Trifles was probably the shortest
Longest and shortest books?:
A good number were long- The Magnus Chase book, Mansfield Park, Robinson Crusoe, The Midwives Book, etc.
The shortest were the short stories, such as "Araby" and "The Story of an Hour." I also read a lot of poems.
How many books from the library?:
A good chunk were from the library, but I also read a good deal of books that I own too.
Any translated books?:
Antigone by Sophocles - from Greek
Medea by Euripides - from Greek
Pseudolus by Plautus - from Latin
Atsumori by Zeami - from Japanese
The Little Clay Cart by Shudraka - from Sanskrit and Pakrit
Death in Venice by Thomas Mann - from German
Fuenteovejuna by Lope de Vega - from Spanish
Phedre by Jean Racine - from French
Most read author of the year, and how many books by that author?:
I don't have any author I read a bunch from.
Any re-reads?:
I re-read "A Doll's House" and "Boys and Girls" for my Literature class :)
Favorite character of the year?
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa
Han Solo
Magnus Chase
Alex Fierro
Samirah al-Abbas
Mara Jade Skywalker <3 p="">Cress
King Henry IV
Prince Hal
Which countries did you go to through the page in your year of reading?:
England, Greece, Italy/Rome, Japan, India, Spain, and many fantasy worlds/other planets.
Which book wouldn't you have read without someone’s specific recommendation?
Joseph Andrews (which was hilarious, you should read it!)
The History of Rasselas Prince of Abbissinia
Cat's Cradle (Dean Winhester recommended it ;) )
a lot of the plays I read to be honest (I wouldn't have known about them otherwise
The Birds short story
An Essay on Man
The Rape of the Lock
Songs of Innocene and Experience
The Midwives Book
Her Own Life
The Desk Set (I was IN this play) :)
Which author was new to you in 2017 that you now want to read the entire works of?
I want to read more Greek tragedies :) I've read some Sophocles and Euripides, so I want to read more of their work, as well as some work by Aeschylus. I also want to read more Shakespeare.
Which books are you annoyed you didn't read?:
The Iliad (I DID get farther in it)
The Shadow of the Hegemon (which I have started!)
I wanted to finish the Rebel Force series but I did get further in it
Morning is A Long Time Coming
The Winter's Tale
Measure for Measure
Don Juan
Defy the Stars
The Winner's Curse
Made of Stars
Dark Space
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Ship of the Dead
Did you read any books you have always been meaning to read?
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Hammer of Thor
The Trials of Apollo: The Dark Prophecy
I read several Star Wars comics (Clone Wars and Knights of the Old Republic)
Rebel Force: Renegade
I've been wanting to read more Jane Austen novels for a while, and I read "Mansfield Park" for class :)
Robinson Crusoe (FINALLY, been wanting to read this since I was a tween)
Gulliver's Travels (I wanted to read the original version since I read an abridged version as a kid)
Death in Venice
Huntress (I have been trying to read this for like three years and finally got around to it!)
The Comedy of Errors
The Taming of the Shrew
The Merchant of Venice
Richard III
Julius Caesar
King Lear
I always meant to read Greek and Roman plays, and I did :) (Antigone, Medea, and Psuedolus)
Mary's Little Donkey (an Advent reading we never were able to finish until this year)
Cat's Cradle
What books are you planning to read in 2017?
The Iliad
Made of Stars
Shadow of the Hegemon
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Ship of the Dead (I have it right now!)
Trials of Apollo: The Burning Maze
More Than This
Defy the Stars
The Winner's Curse
Star Wars Republic and Clone Wars comics
Knights of the Old Republic comics
Finish the Rebel Force series
The Summer I Wasn't Me
Morning is a Long Time Coming
The Torchkeeper series: The Raising
Galaxy of Fear series
Choices of One
Shadow of the Empire
Beren and Luthien
Sense and Sensibility
David Copperfield
Oliver Twist
Brandon Sanderson fantasy novels
Read the next books in the Angelfall series
Juliet Immortal
6 Seconds to Life
Gone Gone Gone
Shadow on the Crown
Dark Space
A Winter's Tale
Measure for Measure
Twelfth Night
A Midsummer's Night Dream
Oedipus Rex
Oedipus at Colonus
anything by Aeschylus
More Shakespeare plays in general
Jurassic Park
Yayy. I liked a lot of those books too. :)))
ReplyDeleteAnd the plays.
Misty Kasumi*
Yess, we definitely read some cool things this year :)
DeleteYayyy end of the year book post! :) Sounds like some great reads this year!
ReplyDeleteThanks! :) Yep, got some good stuff read :)
DeleteI wanted to tell you I'm interested in the Penderwicks as well.
ReplyDeleteCool, they are good books.