Sorry I'm late to posting on my last day! I was watching a movie and sometimes it takes me a while to get through them. It was called "Bridge of Spies" and was really interesting and shows an interesting fact in history. Definitely give it a watch :)
Today, since the last day's prompt is to post what ever we want, I thought I'd tell you a little bit about some books I read recently and why you should pick them up (these are some of my favorite reads of the year so far too) :) .
1: The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
I read the first three books of the Raven Cycle two semesters ago and I absolutely loved them and was looking forward to the last one in the series. And it didn't disappoint! It wrapped up everyone's stories, the focus on friendship even with the romance (Blue/Gansey and Ronan/Adam, both of which I really enjoyed) being there was super nice, the plot was riveting, and it was nice to have smart teen characters for a change (and adults who were in the plot). There were a few loose ends I wish had been tied up (like, what happened to the Gray Man?) and I wish there were some more interactions at the end, but overall I was very satisfied :)
2: The Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan
A continuation of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and the Heroes of Olympus series, this book sets up the next Greek mythology series by Rick Riordan by turning the Greek God Apollo into a teenage boy. This book was just as fun as Mr. Riordan's other works and it was especially nice because of the different protagonist. Unlike many of Riordan's heroes, Apollo is kind of a jerk and is selfish and isn't young. It's very obvious that he's thousands of years old- this is especially shown when he showing concern for his demigod children (it was so nice :) ). It was also nice to have a lead have acne for once, since usually it's the jerk or annoying person (or used to describe perverts). The climax was also really exciting as was most of the book. It also had me cracking up but feeling good feels as well. DEFINITELY read it! :)
3: Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
I had some issues with her book "Fangirl" (because Levi was....NOT a guy for me, even though he wasn't a jerk, perse), but I ADORED Carry On. Seriously, it's super long and I read it really quickly. It's a fantasy novel that is reminiscent of Harry Potter enough for nostalgia, but different enough to be exciting and new. It also read like the last book in a series so even though you haven't read about these characters before (or, if you've read Fangirl, you have a little) they feel familiar. The characters are fantastic, the plot was SO GOOD, the different take on the whole Chosen One thing was excellent and just perfect, and the romance was a lot of fun. It also had lots of funny quotes and amazing world building. The way the magic worked was super unique and made me want to read more about this world and it's characters. READ IT! You won't regret it :)
4: Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan
Mr. Riordan always writes good books and I think this might be his best stuff after his Greek/Roman works (which are obviously the best). I loved the different characters and as someone who is part Norwegian, I loved seeing how Norse mythology was implemented into the story. It was also a ton of fun to have a Dwarf and an Elf character who were different from the norm and, in fact, those two were probably my favorite characters. Magnus (Annabeth's cousin! And we see her a couple of times too!) was a great lead and it was nice to have a non-warrior character (who could still fight, but is not a warrior) and he was a lot of fun. I also LOVED Samirah (a.k.a. Sam). It was really nice to see a Muslim main character and she was badass and a good character as well, which made it even better. Definitely read it, you will enjoy it immensely :) Oh, and Thor, Loki, and Odin were fun :)
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I'm also currently reading the second Rebel Force series which is really good (FERUS OLIN, people!! :D) and next I have Running Barefoot, Cold Fire (Supernatural book! :D), and A Six of Crows (which my sister said was good). Looking forward to it all! :D I have, of course, read a lot more than this but these were some books I especially enjoyed recently :)
Thank you to Arda and who ever else has been looking at my posts (like my sister and mom and maybe my brother) and I hope you enjoyed reading :) I know I had fun doing this with Arda :)
Take care and May the Force Be With You