What was your first-ever piece of writing?
Oh my gosh...I really don't know. I've been creating stories for the longest time, I can't really tell you what my first one was. I know for sure, though, that the earliest version of my first book was my first official, as in to be-worked-on-and-published, piece of writing. Before that, I had just done it for fun and enjoyment(though I've always wanted to publish something).
How old were you when you first began writing?
Really young, so I'm not sure. I was nine when I started my earliest draft of book 1.
Name two writing goals. One short term & one long term.
Short terms- get better, of course, get the book 2 re-write complete, and finish editing book 1
Do you write fiction or non-fiction?
Bouncing off of question 4, what’s your favorite genre to write in?
Science Fiction(particularly Space Opera, Soft/Social Sci-Fi, Military Sci-Fi, etc), Fantasy, Contemporary Life(about important issues), and Historical Fiction.
One writing lesson you’ve learned since 2013 began.
That sometimes sentences can be arranged in a way that can be clear to the reader(oh, and that my writing is too violent for some(which I already kind of knew...)
Favorite author, off the top of your head!
I have several- Jude Watson, J.R.R. Tolkien, Matthew Stover, J.K. Rowling, C.S. Lewis, Victor Hugo, Kevin J. Anderson, Karen Miller(at times), Garth Nix, Nancy Farmer, Suzanne Collins, and Frances Hodgson Burnett.
Three current favorite books.
As in books I've read recently that I loved? - The Hunchback of Notre-Dame(which I'm nearly done with), Oblivion, and Drowning Instinct
As for my most favorite books of all time, here's a condensed list- Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Star Wars EU(most of it, excluding Karen Traviss's travesty, anything with Taria, Jedi Trial, and any book that messes with canon) especially those by Jude Watson/Matthew Stover/Kevin J. Anderson, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Underland Chronicles, The Seventh Tower series, Abhorsen trilogy, Sea of Trolls trilogy, The Power of Five series, Les Miserables, The Hobbit, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Speak, Ender's Game/Speaker for the Dead, Chaos Walking trilogy, The Silmarillion, etc.
Biggest influence on your writing {person}:
My cousin- we discussed a lot of things and he helped me out on a lot of plotlines; also, my sister.
What’s your go-to writing music?
I've listened to all kinds of music while I'm writing; anything from metal, to rock, to pop, to musicals, to movie soundtracks.
List three to five writing quirks of your’s! Little habits, must-haves as you write, etc.
I write in bursts, which is weird, how well my writing is depends on my mood; I also must have silence, or music playing, to block out other noise. I also don't like a bunch of people in the room.
What, in three sentences or less, does your writing mean to you?
It's a way to express myself that I can't do verbally.