Actor, Writer, Jedi, Singer,

Actor, Writer, Jedi, Singer,
You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Mid Year Freak Out Book Tag


1. Best Book You've Read So Far in 2024?

2. Best Sequel You've Read So Far in 2024?

3. New Release You Haven't Read Yet, But Want To?

(some are out now, some aren't)

5. Biggest Disappointment?

This could have been really good but it focused too much on the bland romance instead of exploring the really cool setting we had.

I love Jane Eyre so the fact I didn't enjoy this one as much was a bummer for sure
(to be fair both books got three stars, so they were both fine, just not as good as I was hoping they would)

6. Biggest Surprise?

Ali Hazelwood in general. I LOVE her romance books. Finally, a romance author I'm really into, YAYYYY

7. Favourite New Author?

Ali Hazelwood, John Gwynne, Yume Kitasei, Rebecca Ross, Fonda Lee,

8. Newest Fictional Crush?

Dalinar, he was soooo hot in Oathbringer XD And I know when I get back to Hadrian in Sun Eater, he will be there again too.

9. Newest Favourite Character?

I really liked all of Wraith Squadron and of course the Squad in the Aurora Cycle. And Crispin grew on me a lot in The Lesser Devil.

10. Book That Made You Cry?

I haven't cried at a book this year, BUT Oathbringer did make me sad

11. Book That Made You Happy?

Wraith Squadron, Iron Fist, and Solo Command had me laughing SO much XD YUB YUB COMMANDER

12. Favourite Book To Movie Adaptation You Saw This Year?

Dune Part 2! :)

13. Favourite Review You've Written This Year?

Maybe my review of Invisible Women?

14. Most Beautiful Book You Bought So Far This Year?

I just ordered the special edition of Tress of the Emerald Sea with THIS beautiful art!

15. What Books Do You Need To Read By The End of The Year?