
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Cool new video by Lindsey Sterling :D

Hey guys, check this out!! :D Makes you remember all over again how amazing Star Wars is :D <3 nbsp="" p="">


  1. Words cannot describe how amazing this is! 0_0 It is taking everything I have to not just shout in joy that Lindsey Stiriling finally made a Star Wars cover. You should have seen the look on my face I saw that you posted this! I had no idea that she uploaded this, I was actually checking YouTube channel yesterday right before this was uploaded! Lindsey is my favorite musician, so this is my new favorite YouTube video! :D I know what I am posting tomorrow, thank you for posting this! I am so happy right now! :D

    Strange coincidence is that I was actually listening to Lindsey Stiriling's other music checking to see what's new on your blog! :D

    I have also been enjoying all of the other Geek Week videos, but is easily my favorite! :)


    1. I agree, it's amazing and I'm very glad she made a Star Wars video! :D(I'd hoped she would eventually) :D.

      Awesome!! :D

  2. That is totally awesome! :D I love how she uses costumes and scenery in her videos. :D

    1. Glad you liked it! :D I agree, I love how she does that as well, very talented :D

  3. *late to the party; just recently discovered Lindsey Sterling today*
    This is awesome! I'll check it out for sure! She and Peter Hollens did a great job with the GoT opening theme. :)
    Thanks for sharing, Shena!

    1. Great! :D I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D She's really good and I definitely recommend you listen to more :D.
      You're welcome! :D
