
Sunday, August 11, 2013

A-Z Book Survey


Author you’ve read the most books from

Jude Watson, Kevin J. Anderson, Margaret Peterson Haddix, Kathryn Lasky, and J.K. Rowling

Best sequel ever

I've read so many books over the years its hard to choose a favorite...I love all the books in the Star Wars book series's (except books my Karen Traviss), the Harry Potter books, the second and third Lord of the Rings novels, the next books in the Underland Chronicles, Catching Fire, Evil Star, etc. 

Currently reading

"Pivot Point" 

Drink of choice while reading


Ereader of physical book?

Physical book, of course

Fictional character you would probably have dated in high school

I usually don't find myself attracted to book characters, but I'd definitely say Obi-Wan Kenobi since I got a crush on him after re-reading Secrets of the Jedi(I'm still in High School, though; Senior). 

Glad you gave this book a chance

The Leviathan trilogy, definitely! :D I wouldn't have read them if my sister hadn't started them first. Same goes for Les Miserables, the Underland Chronicles, and the Gatekeepers series. 

Hidden gem book

Jude Watson's Star Wars books, Matthew Stover's Star Wars books, Victor Hugo's work, Drowning Instinct, the Underland Chronicles, and the Chaos Walking trilogy. 

Important moment in your reading life

When my dad started reading The Chronicles of Narnia to me which inspired a love for fantasy. Also, learning to read, of course, and my Mom reading to me since I was a baby. 

Just finished

"Will Grayson, Will Grayson". 

Kinds of books you won’t read

Erotica, books that are sexist without it being needed, or anything written in a crappy manner. 

Longest book you’ve read

Les Miserables- the copy I borrowed from the library was 1, 222 pages long, but the paperback and other books, especially shorter copies. LOVED the book, though, and I can't wait to read his "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" :D

Major book hangover

Whenever I read a really good book and the one I start next just doesn't measure up. 

Number of books you own

I honestly don't know, but it's over 100 

One book you have read multiple times

Running Out of Time! :D I read that book over twenty times when I was 8(I was so proud to be reading an YA book at that age XD). Also, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Secrets of the Jedi, and the Harry Potter series. 

Preferred place to read

Bed, chair/couch, or somewhere quiet. 

Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels

I have many but here's one - Fairytales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten - G.K. Chesterson

Reading regret

That I haven't read that much in the last couple of years and that I read some not so good books

Series you started and need to finish

Well, since I did finish the Power of Five series(the last book FINALLY came out), I'd say the Artemis Fowl series(need to read the last book), the Ender's books, and some other ones as well, I guess. 

Three of your all-time favorite books

Lord of the Rings trilogy, all of my favorite Star Wars books, and the Harry Potter series

Unapologetic fangirl for

Jude Watson's Star Wars books, Revenge of the Sith novelization, and anything I love a lot :D

Very excited for this release

"The House of Hades" which is the next book in the Heroes of Olympus series :D

Worst bookish habit

I don't think I have one

X marks the spot: 27th book on my shelf

I don't know

Your latest book purchased

I don't buy books very often(I usually get them at the library), but I did get The Hobbit and Les Miserables for Christmas. 

Zzz-snatcher book

I almost always read before going to sleep. 


  1. Hey, which books by Chesterton have you read? I've heard about his fantasy books but I've never read any!

    1. I haven't read anything by him, I just liked the quote. :) I'll have to look up some of his books :)

  2. Cool post! :D That's really cool that your dad read Narnia to you! :) How old were you when you started LotR and Harry Potter?

    1. Thank you!! :D I agree :)
      I was nine when my Dad started reading Harry Potter to my sister and I and I started the Lord of the Rings books when I had just turned twelve.
