
Sunday, December 31, 2017

My Christmas :) And a retrospective of 2017/New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year and Happy Holidays to everyone (though most won't see this). Hope everyone's holidays went nicely :)

I had a pretty good Christmas, though we didn't do too much. We did go to my mom's side of the family but since we have so many grandkids now, we only stay for a day (so no more plays :'().

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For Christmas at my maternal grandparent's house, I got Percy Jackson: The Battle of the Labyrinth, a classic rock CD (with such songs as "Carry On My Wayward Son", "Renegade", "More Than A Feeling", "Surrender", "The Spirit of Radio" :D), and a bag of Dove chocolate.

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At my home, in my stocking I got shirt, socks, Chocolate Orange, gloves, Supernatural headphones, chocolate santa, and things for my apartment when I eventually move out, such as salt and pepper shakers, a spatula and scoop, T-spoons/table spoons, peeler, can opener, etc.

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Presents wise, I got - Supernatural shirt, Guatemalan table runner, Star Wars: The Clone Wars comics, a Supernatural book from one of my friends, a notebook (with a cool moodboard) and Star Wars socks from one of my friends, Last of the Jedi books, Supernatural seasons 7 and 8, WOnder Woman movie, lock pit set, Castiel dolly, Styx CD, and the book Chemistry.

Now for New Years stuff! :D (since I already have talked about my year)
Here are my new Year's Resolutions from last year. Let's see how I did :)

To get cast in more plays

I got into TWO plays :) :D

Get an Agent for my book (and work towards publication)

no, sadly :(

Finish re-writing book 3 (I'm getting close to the end) and start re-writing book 4

I would have but I lost my book one edits :'( 

Get my Black Stripe in Taekwondo

I did :) :D

Rip America back from the cold, evil hands of Dump Head and his cronies and stop the Republiklans in the government from ruining the US. 

Working on it!

Do well in college and get straight A's (since I didn't this past semester :'( most were A's, but one was 87%, ).

I got straight A's this past semester, so yay!!! :D

Read even MORE books

I did indeed :)

Watch some more TV shows

I finished Scarlet Heart Ryeo and Weight-Lifting Fairy, I continued Supernatural, got caught up on Doctor Who, and started Gotham :)

Keep working and making money

I have done this :)

Get my face cleared up more

Eh, it looks ok I guess :(

Work out and get some muscle 

I have, actually :) 

Travel all over England and see many things and take pictures 

THIS did happen :)

Make friends

I did this, surprisingly :)

Stand up for the EU even MORE >:D 

As always :) 

Now, for 2018, I want to- 

Graduate from college!!

Get book one's edits done before school starts

Finish my re-write of book 3 before summer and start the book 4 re-write

Work on getting an agent

Get another job

Help the country in whatever way I can (vote in midterms, for example)

Keep up with my friends better

Keep reading stuff 

Write some fanfic

Get further in my Star Wars EU reading :)

Continue to stand up for myself more

Get a boyfriend FINALLY. Or, at least, start working on talking better to guys.


  1. Yayyy I always enjoy reading this post. ^_^ I bet that SPN shirt looks great on you! Kudos for doing so well on your resolutions!! Good ones for this year as well. I hope it's a great year for you! <3

    1. Thank you :) I hope so! :) Thank you :) Same to you! :)
