
Thursday, June 30, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 29

Wow, we're nearly done with this challenge. Tomorrow will be the final day :O

So today I'm supposed to post a picture of myself. All right, here goes :p

This picture of me is a few years old, but I don't look that much different so I thought I'd share it since I really like this picture of me :) 
This is from when I was in Les Miserables. Sorry for peeking out of my shirt in the shot. It's just that the neckline was low and it would do that a lot. :/ 

Me and my boyfriend <3 :="" p="">

Here's a more recent image of me (this past semester). I messed up my hair in all of these pics (of me acting), btw. My hair can look a lot nicer when I work to make it so. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 28

In all honesty, I'm not a wish maker. I used to do it when I blew out the candles on my birthday cakes, but the 11:11? Never have. I may have when it was 11;11 on 11/11/11, but that was because it was a big deal. Otherwise, I don't really believe in making wishes. But, if I did, I'd ask for an infinity amount of more wishes! XD And then wish for things like, fixing the world (get rid of social inequalities and save the environment and have the poor have food and shelter and everything they need) and being an actor, writer, singer, and a black belt (and find a guy to beat up).

Monday, June 27, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 26

Today's prompt is to make a list of things that make me warm and fuzzy. So here goes :)

Obi-Wan and Anakin's friendship

Look how he's already looking out for Anakin :) I've always loved their friendship and familial like connection, especially in the ROTS novel before it becomes sad and Jedi Quest.


                             Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi's relationship :) (SiriWan)                                            
They are my number 1 OTP and they will be for a thousand years and forever XD 

 Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's familial relationship
I absolutely love reading about their father-son dynamic in Jude Watson's Star Wars books :) 

 The Star Wars EU in general <3 nbsp="" p="">
Yeah, I know it's weird, but whenever I read a Star Wars book or re-read a favorite, I start to feel really happy and content :) 

Dean Winchester when he's with children <3 p="">
Come on, he's so cute! :) 

Dean/Castiel hugs. We don't get nearly enough.

I love it when they hug each other! They should do it more often <3 p="">

Cute Destiel fanart like these two <3 p="">

Destiel fanfics <3 p="">

Dean Winchester in general <3 p="">

I don't have pictures for this, but also - 

When friends talk to you a lot

When someone realizes that you are sitting alone//by yourself and comes over to keep you company

When people talk to me at all when they don't have to

Sunday, June 26, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 25

Today's question is, honestly, kind of odd. Because what people like when it comes to personalities and looks varies from person to person. I have liked Obi-Wan, this guy at my church, and Dean Winchester. I liked their personalities AND how they looked, but there are others who like neither about these guys. And, really, when you like a person's personality in a romantic way, you find that they become VERY beautiful in your eyes as well. Like, sure, you notice looks a bit, but what makes them romance-worthy is that you grow to know them and the more you do, the more you find in their personality and looks to like. For example, I saw someone once say online that Jensen doesn't seem very interesting as a person, even if he is nice looking, which, to me, is so STRANGE, because he's a person I'd love to just sit and talk to for hours on end. He seems really cool to me. And once, when I showed someone a picture of Jensen, they thought he just looked like all the other male actors (WHAT?! NO! >:( ) even though I find him to be very handsome/pretty and definitely different looking from most guy actors (like, apparently a lot of girls find Brad Pitt hot but he doesn't do anything for me).

So yes, strange question.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 24

So for today's part of the challenge, I have to list 7 things that cross my mind a lot.

1: Star Wars (particularly the EU and getting it back. Also, lots of hatred for Disney Wars).

2: WORRY in general (about the world, social justice, the environment, politics, feminist stuff, my life stuff, my career, relationships, etc)

3: My book series

4: Dean Winchester,,,,,,, O_ O (I'M SORRY!) and Supernatural in general

5: What I'm currently reading

6: Taekwondo

7: Friends :)

Friday, June 24, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 23

Day 23, write a letter to someone.
I decided to write to Bernie Sanders.

Dear Mr. Sanders,

I really wish you were the Presidential Candidate :( I voted for you because I like your policies and ideas and I believe  that with you in the Oval Office, we could have gotten a lot done and improved this country. But no, we're stuck with either Hitler the second (Dump-Head) and Hilary who cheated her way to victory >:( Also, don't agree with various things she's done (like, she agrees with fracking, was for the wars we are in now, she called black men predators (even though white men are more likely to shoot and kill people) and apparently she mocked a rape victim :( >:( Also, her and others made fun of female voters for you, saying that we were doing it to 'get boys' (FUCK YOU, GLORIA STEINEM, FOR SAYING THAT BS). I will vote for Hilary because I prefer her to Dump-Head, but still....I worry that we won't get as far as we would have (and if she wins, it makes me sad that the first female President of the United States will have gotten there by cheating and not by her own merit...yeah, that will set us back a lot, thanks a whole fucking lot >:(). I do plan on voting again in the midterms and get more liberals and progressives into Congress so we can get some actual change done (GUN CONTROL, FIX THE JUSTICE SYSTEM AND THE POLICE, SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT, END RAPE CULTURE, PREVENT RACISM/SEXISM/HOMOPHOBIA/TRANSPHOBIA, STOP THE WAR ON WOMEN, ETC). You really should have won, sir, because I know that most of the youth wanted you to win, as did many of the women and minorities. Most people I know outside of older democrats preferred you and don't like Hilary. I hope you continue to do your work in the Senate like you have been doing and that we are able to make more progressive changes and finally leave the 50s behind us. Maybe you'll be our Vice President. I think I'd like that- at least, that way, you'd be in a position to do some more good.
Shena Tokala/M

Thursday, June 23, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 22

Here's a pic of what I'll be wearing pretty much all day (work uniform). I'm going to be working from 12-3, then 5-9. A very long day :(

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 21

 So today's topic is turn on's and off's. Since I think about this sometimes, this shouldn't be too difficult. 

Turn on's

Being a feminist
Being Friendly
Loyalty (and no cheating)
Easy going (but still cares about things)
Being good with children
Being good with people who have disorders 
Someone who treats women as equally capable to men
Letting me do something without barging in to help when I don't want it (I can carry this damn thing myself, thank you very much). Basically, treats women with respect (also, should treat POC, LGBTQA+, etc people with respect and not a friggin bigot)
Similar interests
Liking the Star Wars EU and other geeky stuff
Is open-minded
Understands the concept of privilege 
Honesty, but tempered with gentleness
Openness with emotions (TALK to me!)
Being able to fight
Can appreciate feminine things
Someone who will give me strong hugs
Won't debate with me and tell me I'm wrong all the time
Someone who treats me as my age but still realizes I have a disorder
Knows how to cook and clean and sew
Loves his friends and family (unless his family are a bunch dickheads, then he can dislike them)
Can sing
Isn't rude to people with food allergies 
Has people skills (since I don't)
Knows how to handle a meltdown

Turn off's

Being a creep
Wanting to be overly physical in public (like NO PDA!)
Being a bigot (no overt sexism, racism, homophobia, transphoia, etc)
Being abusive
Saying that men are stronger than women
Being obsessed with breasts (I hate that character flaw :p  They are ONLY for feeding BABIES) )
Being overly pessimistic/apathetic 
Disrespects boundaries 
Treats me like I'm freaking four 
Won't answer a question when I don't understand something
Takes things from me when I'm carrying them
Blasting rap music
Someone who has a lot of pets
Someone who says "all guys are assholes", which is such a cop-out
Someone who dismisses feminism (like if you say "feminism isn't needed in first world countries", I'll tell you to F off).
Someone who is on my case to wear make-up and shave all the time
Making fun of my acne and scarring. 
Says that my favorite fandoms, characters, ships, and friendships are all dumb and don't make sense. 
Being militant or extreme on any topic.
Not being reliable 
Getting into my space when I want to be alone
Taking things out of my hands without asking
Telling me I can't carry something because 'men are stronger' (which is total BS).

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 20

Well, since I've only been to one concert, I'll also mention (like my friend Arda did on her blog) musicals I've seen (and done). :)

I've only been to ONE official concert (and a few small things that were kinda dumb). The actual concert I went to was for Trans-Siberian Orchestra and it was really cool :) I even have a shirt from it :).
I went to a Christian thing with my church but it was the style of religious stuff that I don't like, with the whole obsession with the personal relationship with Jesus, which is something I never related to. I'm a bit more of a deist and believe that God created the world and gave us the ability to chose what we do with free will and that there is no predestination and he doesn't get involved all that much since he doesn't want to control us. But not only was it that, and them not seeming to care about helping others in need like they should, they spouted off some weird adds that I just didn't agree with (and it was all 'abortion holocaust', which was just gross since the Holocaust was a really horrible thing and while I understand someone being against it (and women can be pro-life if they want, since most of them have uteruses and it affects them) don't compare that to people getting gassed and slowly starved and worked to death in concentration camps. I saw pictures of the Holocaust, it was a truly awful thing and is not something to compare things to, unless you are talking about similar things like the gulags in Russia or the way African-Americans were treated during slavery or how the Native Americans were treated throughout history; I yelled at the screen and stormed out. And THEN they were all worried about getting Bibles to the poor instead of, you know, things like FOOD and clean drinking WATER that they need to survive. Oh brother :p ).
Sorry for the tangent, the whole experience made me mad. I DID like seeing Skillet, though (but the sound system was pretty awful).

As for musicals, I have seen

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Floyd Collins
The Phantom of the Opera (online)
Into the Woods (on DVD)
You're A Good Man Charlie Brown

I've been in
Sleepy Hollow
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Through the Looking-Glass
Les Miserables
Suessical Jr.
Into the Woods Jr.
Beauty and the Beast Jr.

Monday, June 20, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 19

I'm not going to say where I live on here (except that it's in the USA), so instead I'll do some fun fictional places I would like to live.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 18

If you've been following me on other social media, you probably know the answer to that. I've been watching Supernatural for the last four years and I finally got caught up for this past season. The show is getting a 12th season and I'm currently very obsessed with it. The show is enjoyable, well-written, with awesome acting, characters, and world-building. The tight focus makes it even more fun and the cast is so interactive with their fans, which gives us a lot of material to work with on and off the show. It also has good continuity and a pretty good fandom (even if I'm on the fringes, like I always pretty much am). 

I especially enjoy, like I mentioned above, the characters and their development. We've got to see them over the course of 11 seasons and they've grown and changed and matured so much. It's been a blast and I look forward to seeing more of them all :) 

The show's mythology is also unique and is a mesh of many beliefs and folklore. I especially enjoyed that they brought my religion into it- it was really interesting and fascinating and I appreciated how they handled it (for the most part). 

Looking forward to season 12! :D