
Sunday, June 19, 2016

30 Day Challenge: Day 18

If you've been following me on other social media, you probably know the answer to that. I've been watching Supernatural for the last four years and I finally got caught up for this past season. The show is getting a 12th season and I'm currently very obsessed with it. The show is enjoyable, well-written, with awesome acting, characters, and world-building. The tight focus makes it even more fun and the cast is so interactive with their fans, which gives us a lot of material to work with on and off the show. It also has good continuity and a pretty good fandom (even if I'm on the fringes, like I always pretty much am). 

I especially enjoy, like I mentioned above, the characters and their development. We've got to see them over the course of 11 seasons and they've grown and changed and matured so much. It's been a blast and I look forward to seeing more of them all :) 

The show's mythology is also unique and is a mesh of many beliefs and folklore. I especially enjoyed that they brought my religion into it- it was really interesting and fascinating and I appreciated how they handled it (for the most part). 

Looking forward to season 12! :D


  1. Also not surprised :D But yayy, it's great that you've enjoyed it so much, and that it keeps going on and continues to be good. :D It's nice to see how the cast is with their fans, it seems really great. :)

    1. Hehehehe XD Thanks! :D Agreed, it's been really nice! Definitely, love the cast! :) It is! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, I'm glad I have! :) Now you need to! >:D
