
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

First look at Thor: The Dark World

Here is the first look at Thor: The Dark World which is one of the films I am looking forward to this year! :D
So, what do you think? I think this looks awesome!! :D I can't wait to see Thor and Loki and Odin and Jane and Sif again! :D. This is going to be great! :D :D :D I'm very excited! :)


  1. *hi-fives*
    I'm mostly excited to see Sif again, though. :)

    1. *returns high five* Great! I really like the actress playing Sif, she was Jessi XX in one of my favorite shows, Kyle XY, so I'm also looking forward to seeing her again :)

  2. Super excited for this! November cannot come soon enough! More Loki is always freaking awesome! I am getting a little over excited here. lol :D Also cannot wait to see Iron Man 3 next week.


    1. Agreed! :D I agree, more Loki is awesome, can't wait to see him again! :D. Me too! :D. And yes, Iron Man 3 is going to be awesome! :D

  3. I Know I can't wait! And Sif is by far my favorite Asgardian! :) By the way I tagged you! :)
