The Top Ten Tuesday challenge is set forth by The Broke and the Bookish - http://brokeandbookish.blogspot.com/p/top-ten-tuesday-other-features.html#
1: Siri (Siri Tachi from Secrets of the Jedi, Jedi Apprentice series, and Jedi Quest series) - I absolutely love this name and the character is definitely a good role model. She is a strong person who fights for what's right, is loyal, and is an amazing Jedi and individual. I will definitely be naming the first daughter I have Siri :) (if I have kids)
2: Jaina (Jaina Solo from Young Jedi Knights series, New Jedi Order series, etc) - My hero as a pre-teen, she is also an awesome Jedi and someone to aspire to be like (along with Obi-Wan, Siri, Luke, and Qui-Gon). I will definitely name my second daughter Jaina .
3: Hermione (Hermione Granger from Harry Potter)- My favorite Harry Potter character and a very pretty, unique name to boot. This is will used as a middle name for one of my kids.
4: Eowyn (Eowyn from Lord of the Rings) - The awesome warrior of the Lord of the Rings. I'll be using her name for another middle name.
5: Tahiri (Tahiri Veila from Junior Jedi Knights series, New Jedi Order seires, etc) - Another one of my favorite Jedi characters. I'll be using this name for one of the middle names.
6: Obi-Wan (Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars) - I wouldn't use this name, since people would make fun of them if I did, but I love the person and if the person wouldn't get made fun of, I totally would. He is such a good role model. If I have boys I'd want to name them Anakin or Luke but since I'll be naming the girls, I am going to let my husband name the boys, so it's fair.
7: Belle (Once Upon A Time/Beauty and the Beast) - My favorite female character on the show(tied for first place with Rumplestiltskin), I will definitely be using this for a middle name.
8: Lyra (Lyra Belacqua from His Dark Materials trilogy) - While I found the third book very disappointing, the first two novels were good and Lyra was such an awesome character in the first book. I also just love the sound of the name, it's very pretty.
9: Artemis (I guess Artemis Fowl) - I think this would make a very good name for either a girl or a boy.
10: Saturn - I have my reasons.
If I have kids, their names will be
Siri Eowyn Hermione
Jaina Belle Tahiri
Anakin/Luke Lee Andrew
Siri is a common name here, but it never stands alone. I won't be surprised if I marry a guy with the name of "siri" in his last name, since it means "holy" in thai, I guess. :) So that one I don't have to worry about putting in.
ReplyDeleteARTEMIS. That would totally be my first choice for a name. The Goddess of the Hunt, the boy genius... what could be a better name? I'm glad you have it on the list.
If I have twins, I'll name them luke and leia.
JK Rowling purposely made the name Hermione so unique because she doesn't want small girls to be teased as a bossy know it all. But I'll definitely use it. It's a great one too; second only to Artemis for me. From the god of messages.. that's awesome.
OH. AND I HAVE TO NAME ONE OF 'EM PERSEUS. If I get a boy and a girl, I'll name the boy Perseus so I can call him percy, and artemis for the girl. Artemis would suit her if she's like me... girl with a boyish personality.
Williams would be nice too, from Pirates.
Ah, I'm just ranting now. But it's true :) Maybe I'll steal your post and write about it >:)
That's cool! :D Siri is also a Germanic name and was once used a lot in Europe(though I don't think it's that popular anymore).
DeleteVery awesome name choices!!! :D :D Yep, I'd heard that about J.K. Rowling doing that. I'm glad she did.
Go ahead and write the post- I'd love to see it :D
Great Post! And I love your choices in names! Siri is an awesome name! Saturn would be unique too. :) If I ever have children I'd name the girl Pallaton and the boy Alexander since Pallaton is a Native Name and I love the name Alexander! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you very much!! :D
DeleteI agree, I love all of those names.
Awesome name choices! :D
Cool choices! I like Jaina, Siri, and Tahiri for names. Ooh, and Belle! Interesting to read the above comments - I didn't know that Siri was so common.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much!! :D
DeleteMe neither! :D I've only seen it in one other book and that was a really old European book my Mom read to my sister and I called "The Stick over the Roof/Chimney"
Cool idea for a post. :)
ReplyDeleteIf I were to get married and have kids, I would name my sons James (because my father, and grandfather are named James but I am the first to actually be called by that and not my middle name), and probably Luke because of Luke Skywalker. :D
Thank you very much!! :D That's really cool! :D My family has some similar things with the middle names thing. That's cool that you're the first person to have the name as your first name :). Those would both be good names :)
DeleteGreat choices! Save for Obi-Wan as a real name, I guess. As an unofficial nickname, it's fine. :)
ReplyDeleteIf I'm ever gonna have kids and base one's name on a fictional character, it would be Darsha. Agatha Darsha (easily masked in Indonesian-ish names). The other girl would be Regina Leo/Leona/Leonita (I've told you that one, haven't I? XD).
Thank you! :D I agree; I'll probably call my husband that ;).
DeleteAwesome names! :D I think you did, but it's all right to repeat yourself, I do it all the time ;) XD :D
Eowyn is one of my favorite characters from Lord of the Rings... Because she despairs and just wants to die... And learns to live and hope later.
ReplyDeleteBut mostly because of how she feels worthless because she says her deeds are ignoble and small. And Aragorn (bless his heart!) says "Your deeds will not be the less valiant because they go unpraised." It seems like a major theme in Tolkien to show how small deeds, or weaker people (like hobbits :D) are stronger than the strong or greater than the great.
See, I think the movie totally screwed up the message of Eowyn. They reduced it to "Look, women can fight like men. See? Isn't that a fascinating idea?" Whereas the book had SO MUCH MORE to say. *sigh*
Not to be bashing the movies. Miranda Otto did a lovely job, and the movies are spectacular.
While I do love seeing girls fight in films (and showing that women can be just as strong as men in battle), I do wish they'd included that theme along with Eowyn's character in the film; some of her character was missing in the movie.
DeleteHowever, I do love the movies(Amazing!) and Miranda Otto was amazing
On the topic of feminism - I think true feminism would be to believe that woman are in every way equal to men. But different than men. Anyone can know that.
ReplyDeleteSeems like people who call themselves feminists sometimes (I'm not talking about you, I've never seen you say anything like this... This is just random talk from me lol :D). Anyway, It seems like a lot of times people who call themselves feminists think that women are the same as men.
And here I shall quote my favorite author, Madeleine L'Engle -
So yeah. There's my feminist tidbit if you even care lol :D
On the surface, it does seem that men and women are different, but I think the actual difference has to do more with the two traits masculinity and femininity and the differences between people as individuals. Both genders can exhibit either of the, though sadly people have been conditioned that they have to conform with the attributes associated with their gender. It is my belief that neither gender should conform to one character trait just because they're gender is said to. For example, I'm a tomboy and have little interest in what are considered 'feminine' things. And really, I think, to help the genders see each other in a positive light, it's a good idea to focus on the similarities rather than the differences.
DeleteI respect your opinion :)