
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Very Inspiring Blogger Award from Covert Knight


                   Thank you to Covert Knight for the award! :D Sorry I didn't get to it sooner

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Seven Things 

1: I finished Firefly a while back and I watched the ending-film "Serenity" last night and it was awesome!! :D The show and movie are a definite must see for Science Fiction fans- it's wonderfully done, the science fiction stuff is so cool, and the main characters are really well developed and acted. Though I would recommend being a little older since there are a few inappropriate scenes (more so in the TV show, but it isn't so-so bad) and the 'monsters' and what they do is really creepy(and one scene in the movie might be found disturbing by younger viewers.)
But anyway, if you like Star Wars or any other kind of science fiction, GO WATCH IT! :D 

2: I currently have two edits for my book series that a Forum friend made for me. They're really cool looking and I love how they were done(if you want to see them, they're on my Facebook). I can't wait to have more edits for my book series(and the movies for them) :D

3: I'm normally attracted to guys older than me. 

4: I've fought against the three black belts at my Dojo quite a few times and I think I'm getting better at fighting (of course, they can still beat me since they are VERY good). I did get kicked a lot XD. Though, when I was fighting a red belt, I was able to block his kicks really well and he had really hard kicks and is older and taller than I am, so yay! :D

5: I consider myself a tall person and if people say otherwise...well, you were warned >:D 

6: Besides my Science Fiction book series, I have other works in mind, including more books taking place in my Sci-Fi universe(past and future), more science fiction books, fantasy books, contemporary novels, and even a dystopia(which I came up with before the Dystopia craze). 

7: Since I have allergies to Corn/Gluten(wheat)/Dairy/sugar(including honey), I'm glad to have found good foods without these(sugar is pretty much impossible to avoid, but it's the one I worry the least about since, in small quantities, the effects are just about nil). Like, I've gotten gluten free chocolate chip cookies(which I think are even better than the real thing), gluten free pancakes, gluten free Snicker Doodle cookes(SO GOOD!), gluten free brownies, gluten free cake, sugar free icing, dairy free ice cream(there is this really good stuff at the local health food store), and plenty of other foods. I recently made Oatmeal cookies, apple cake, and Angel Food cake with flour mixes and food mixes. 

Have a good day :)


  1. I'm *always* attracted to guys who are too old for me. Maybe it helps that every guy I've met at my age is a complete idiot, I don't know...

    Sparring with black belts always keeps you on edge, until you are also a black belt, of course. It was a lot of fun!

    1. Great! :D Yeah, normally, I'm attracted to guys in their 20s-30s. I'm not sure why, but it might have something to do with the fact that their more mature or I just like how they act. Most teen boys I know are fine, but a few are annoying(but then the same goes for the majority of girls too).

      I agree, it definitely does! :D Awesome! :D

  2. The only black belts I've sparred with are my two sensei. I mostly spar with boys.
    You're tall? Well, I'm pretty short.

    If you're gonna read The Last Jedi, Shena, it's depressing and emotional (most reviewers said that). I'm still depressed by a certain character's death, for numerous reasons. I wish they picked someone else to kill off. That way, that character wouldn't have seemed so useless.
    I might just shift Reaves out of my favorites because he killed this character way too early. Well, unless he and Bohnhoff somehow resurrect this character in the future.

    1. That's really cool! :D I've sparred with my Kwan Jang Nim before and he's really good. I mostly spar with boys too since, while we do have more girls then we used to, there are more boys(though the girls we do have are very good).

      Yep, I'm around 5'5 and a half :) That's fine, remember what Yoda says- Size matters not.

      Okay, thank you for the warning. I'm sorry it upset you :( I hope the book gets better for you.

    2. Cool! There are only three girls in my dojo (including me), and only one of them is on my level.
      Yeah, size doesn't matter. I got bested by a girl who's older but smaller than me in a tournament. She was really, really fast!

      I bet the Diversity Thread in JC Forums and most female fans are going to be disappointed with the book. I know the ending (it annoyed me a lot :'( ) and major stuff that happened in the book, but I haven't read it all. Once I have, you can expect a rant in my review.

    3. Thank you! :D I'm sorry, I hope more girls join.
      I agree, it doesn't :)

      I'm sorry the book disappointed you :( :( Hopefully you'll like parts of it at least. Though I do understand ranting, I do it a lot too.

  3. That's so cool! I'm allergic to gluten too! I have found a few gluten free stuff thats pretty good. In fact, I just ate some gf cake today :)

    1. Thank you! :D That's great, glad you've found some good stuff :D. Awesome, I love good cake! :D :D What kind was it?

  4. I love this! :) I'm around 5'2. Pretty short. But yeah, size matters not :P
    3) For me, I'm attracted to guys who, not only are they older, usually don't exist :P let's see... Legolas, Tobias (does it guy's name srsly have to both end with 'as'?), pretty much all characters Orlando Bloom plays, percy jackson, etc, etc, and other guys I can't have. lol :)

    1. Thank you! :D That's cool; I agree.
      Same here! They are either fictional, actors, or married(adults) :p.
      I can why you would like those characters ;)

  5. Great Post! :) Why is it that guys are age are such imature brats!? But don't worry! We're so awesome that awesome guys are out there somewhere! :) For me my awesome guy is a Korean Singer who doesn't know I exist. Yet. ;)

    1. Thank you! :D I don't know, most of the ones I know are okay, but there are several immature brats as well. I agree, awesome people attract other awesome people XD
      That's cool! :D Hehehehe ;)

    2. Stalking can kinda be like going on a romantic walk....that only one person nows about. ;)

  6. That's great that you've found good alternatives for all those foods! I kinda get what you mean about older guys... And ok fine, you're tall! ;) Kidding. Just nice that in your tallness you don't *completely* tower over me in my shortness. At least not as far as I remember. XD

    1. Thanks!! :D Yep, older guys are so cool, good looking, and..okay, I'll stop now.
      LOL! XD I don't think I did, if I remember correctly. I think I was just a little bit shorter than Autumn was.
