
Monday, December 17, 2012

Third Week of Advent

Happy Third Week of Advent! :)
Before I continue the post, I'd like to express a moment of silence for all of those effected by the Connecticut shooting. I hope this will help the Government put forth some more restrictions on guns and to build Mental Hospitals for those who need it with our Health Care.

I'll be posting my favorite Christmas song next week, but I'll give you a hint, it's by this group(who I saw in concert). I love this song, it makes me think of the Leviathan trilogy :D

I know the band has a weird name, but I love their music :)

One of my favorite traditional Christmas carols :)

Another traditional one I like :)

Such a beautiful song- I did this one a couple of years ago at my church for Advent :)


  1. These are all lovely Christmas songs! Great stuff!

  2. The first video is awesome! :D I always love epic Christmas music.


    1. I agree! :D Thank you, I'm glad you liked the song! :D If you like that song, then you will definitely like my favorite Christmas song- it's done by the same group :D

  3. I'm with you that it's a strange band name, but my brother and I really like the Barenaked Ladies' song! :)
