
Friday, December 28, 2012

My Summer Vacation Day 12

Sorry for not writing about my vacation in so long- I had a weird thing going on regarding pictures, but I think it has been fixed now. Also, since I am nearly done with it(after this, I only have to write about one more big event and a few other small things; so basically, one post). 

On this day, we went to the park of Magic Kingdom. It was a cloudy, rain-filled day like all the ones before it, but I'd have to say, it was probably the least-worse. 

                       I remember quite a lot from my last visit, but for some reason, I forgot that you get to ride a train to Magic Kingdom. I thought it was a pretty cool idea, especially for the little kids looking forward to visiting.

                                   Magic Kingdom would have to be my second favorite park after Epcot- I love the rides and it's fun getting the different character's autographs.
                        There are several sections to Magic Kingdom and while we didn't get to everything we wanted to do, we did manage to visit each section and do something in each one.

                                   Everything in this area was decorated up with orange for Halloween

                                                               Cinderella's Castle

                                              Me in front of the Castle. I really wanted to touch the rock of the walls but, if I remember correctly, it was impossible to reach them(unless you did some weird climbing).

                                          Me pulling the sword in the stone out. I am KING ARTHUR! XD

                                After taking some pictures, we quickly got fast passes, and began riding rides. The first one we rode was Prince Charming's carousel(or something like that), which is basically a Merry Go Round. (I think the above picture is cool).

                                       After we rode the Merry Go Round, we went to the Winnie the Pooh ride. The stuff you can look at while waiting to get on the ride is really cute. The ride, while kiddy was nice(especially considering the fact that I love Winnie the Pooh).

                                                         Heffalumps and Woosels!! :D

                                           After the Pooh ride, we did the Peter Pan one. It was kind of similar, though I did like the Captain Hook and the crocodile XD.

                           "It's a Small World After All"; this was a ride I remember from when I was little.

                                 The Mad Hatter Tea Party ride. My sister and I really like rides like this and we always want to spin the cup(or whatever it is) as fast as possible. Of course, we couldn't go as fast this time since our brother was riding with us. :P Though, we did got pretty fast.

                                           The Dumbo ride. My sister and I liked being up in the air so we kept our part in the air pretty much the entire time.

                              My sister isn't partial to roller coasters(she wants to ride them but she gets motion sick), but she did go ride the Barnstormer with me(which I remember riding last time). Even though it wasn't as big as other coasters I've ridden, it was still pretty fun and fast. 

                         We kept getting into line for Merida(from Brave) but it kept raining and whenever we got to the beginning of the line, they'd close it. We got frustrated and left. Around this time we went and had lunch at a nearby restaurant(Star Cafe, I think it was called) and I got a hamburger with a gluten free bun. The bun was surprisingly good, and I wish I could have another one like it. 

                                We went to Tomorrow land and did several things and went on several rides. We went on the Carousel of Progress which was pretty neat- it showed a family in different stages of technological age - it was really cool to see how people lived back then.
                Another thing I did was ride the in the dark roller coaster "Space Mountain." It was a really cool ride and the lighting inside was totally sci-fi and epic(it gave me an idea for a movie)!! :D However, at the end, I was reading signs and I forgot what the first one said, so I went back through the crowds and down the moving strip(I forget what it's called) However, one of the security guys told me I couldn't go back, so I explained why I was doing it and he told me what the first sign said. Annoyingly, the guy followed me the entire freaking way out of the ride. -_-. Was that really necessary? 

           We also did the Lilo and Stitch ride and while I had fun on it, I was in a bit of a bad mood so I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have. 

                             The Buzz Lightyear Ride. Like Toy Story Mania, I wasn't too fond of this ride either.

                                    After waiting several times in line, we finally were able to go in to see Merida. The girl dressed up as her played the role well and I thought it was funny when she got onto her bear-formed brothers.

                                                 My brother and sister did this car race while I rode Space Mountain.

                                          After we finished with Tomorrow Land we went to where the princesses were doing autographs. From the signs, it looked like we'd only get to see one but we were happy to see that there were three(Cinderella, Belle, and Rapunzel). Before us in line to see Cinderella was this little boy and it was so hilarious to see how they were interacting- the woman playing Cinderella was very nice to him XD.
As a child, Cinderella was my favorite Disney Princess and even though she isn't my top favorite anymore, I still really like her.                                      

                                      Belle!!!!! :D I've always loved Belle; she was a cool girl who wanted adventure, loved to read, and cared more about how a person was than how they looked which reminds me of me a little. And watching OUAT has only made me love her even more(she's wonderful on that show). 
The woman dressed up as Belle was really good in the part- one thing that I got really excited about was that she asked what kind of books we liked to read(I told her Lord of the Rings and Star Wars and she said she liked Sleeping Beauty). It was quite funny since I'd been having the conversation in my head BEFORE it happened, which is something I like to do. 

                                         The three of us getting autographs and a picture with Rapunzel.

                                                 After getting our autographs, we quickly looked went through the Swiss Family Robinson tree house and rode the Magic Carpet Ride(below).

                        Since Ariel from The Little Mermaid is my sister's favorite Disney Princess, we had to go over and get in line. We barely did so, before they shut it for the day. It was sweltering while we were in line, so I was glad for the shade. When we finally got to see Ariel and Eric, my sister said what she'd been planning on saying to them, which was basically that Ariel was still her favorite and that she'd said that when she was little(the woman dressed up as Ariel thought that it was sweet). She also told Eric that he was her favorite prince since he had a personality, unlike the other ones(he thanked her for it and Ariel said he was her favorite too). They were both very nice :)

                                     After seeing Ariel, we went on a boat tour and the guide made it seem like we could die on the trek down the river; she also made several jokes, most of which were funny.

                                             After that we rode the Pirates of the Caribbean ride- it was nice to see our Pirate friend Captain Jack Sparrow again :)

                                        Since we'd gotten one the last time, my sister and I got chocolate covered, Mickey Mouse shaped ice cream- it was very delicious; I wish I could eat Ice Cream more, it's my favorite dessert. When I was done, my Dad took my sister and I to the Haunted Mansion ride. It was pretty funny and nicely creepy(I was one of the few that didn't scream when the lights went off and a voice started talking). 

                 When we were done, we met up with my Mom and brother and together we headed to the Hall of Presidents. It was such a cool place, with several paintings of past Presidents on the walls and different objects that once belonged to a few of them. There was soon a show, however, so we definitely went in there and watched it.

              Being a History buff, I absolutely loved the show- it was so cool seeing how the US has progressed over the years. My favorite part, however, was when they had ALL the Presidents on the stage. A reader would announce the name and, one by one, they would nod. Every so often, a President would get a round of applause, especially the more recent ones(we definitely clapped for our favorites, such as FDR, Carter, Truman, Clinton, Obama, Ford, Kennedy, and Eisenhower). :D Then, a figure of President Obama came up and gave a speech which had me really excited!! :D

                                   Painting of Former President Jimmy Carter. It was really cool seeing him in a picture since I'd recently met him. :D :D :D :D

                                  On our way back, we stopped by Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen and got their autographs. The two of them were very nice and we talked for awhile. The film takes place in New Orleans so they were all excited about that and we talked about what my sister and I had liked about the city(and the food of course). It was also neat since the woman dressed up as Tiana knew about a place in her state and was saying that she'd(her character) had thought about opening a restaurant there. I really liked the two of them :D.

                              Since I was tired after a long day, as were my parents and brother, we wanted to leave. However, my sister wanted to stay and see the show, so we had to wait until it was over. After seeing Fantasmic, this one wasn't as cool, I kind of fazed out while watching it. 
I had a wonderful time at Magic Kingdom, even with the drama, and I hope to visit again someday.
One more post and I'll be done with my vacation log :D
Thank you for reading and May the Force be with you. :)
Jedi Shena Tokala signing out. 


  1. Pirratteeesss that's gotta be my favorite part! :D Next time I go to disney land... they better add some Star Wars stuff in there...

    It's really beautiful, I wish I could go :D I can't help thinking, though, that all the money that went to build Cinderella's Castle could go help the poor and needy!

    1. Great! :D I hope they do add it. Thank you! :)
      That is correct, the money could have went to help the poor and needy- when I'm an actor/writer, I will definitely help the poor and donate lots of money to charities and that sort of thing :)

  2. Sounds like you had a good time :D with the guy at space mountain its important to keep in mind thats the only way out of the mountain so he could of just been leaving too and not to mention hundereds of guests a day try to do that to cut in line. I agree that all that money could of helped the poor but that castle has brought countless smiles to children and families all over the world and Disney does several events and volunteer work throughtout the year to help the needy. :D you got to come back some time I would love to get you into disney some time that would be such a fun day. Great post have a magical day

    1. Thank you! :D I understand why he was doing it, I guess I'm just really sensitive and I feel like I'm bad when I get in trouble, even though I know I didn't do anything wrong- I didn't know it was a bad thing). I agree, the money is definitely going to a good cause :) Oh wow, thank you, that would be really fun!! :D :D
      Thank you very much! You too :D

  3. Ehe-he... I'm viewing this post with my little sister. She said she wants to go there, too! ;p Oh dear. After last holiday's unsuccessful visit to Universal Studios Singapore, I don't think I'd want her to visit another theme park.
    If you ask who was my favorite Disney Princess as a child, I'll say it was Aurora. But now, I like Mulan better. Why? I think you know the reason, ;)

    1. Yeah, the same sort of thing happened with my brother at Disney. Cool! Yeah, same here! :D :D I know the reason ;) Thank you :)

  4. Great post! I like seeing all the pictures of you all with different characters. Pirates of the Caribbean rocks! Winnie the Pooh was really well done too, I thought.

    1. Thank you very much!! :D I agree, those rides are very well done :)
