
Friday, May 11, 2012

"Count Down to Doomsday"

Here is the film my sister, two of our friends, and I did for a recent movie competition(we got third place). We had loads of fun making this film and if you would watch it and tell me what you think, what your favorite scene(s) were and what are some things to work on. I'm the girl playing Natalie Lancing :). (yes, I do know it looks like I'm looking at the camera in a couple of the scenes but I was actually looking at the screen on the flip part of the video camera and I didn't realize it would make it look like I was looking at the screen). Hope you enjoy :D :D :D Sorry for not posting my usual stuff this week; I promise that next week I'll get back into the swing of things and post more :). May the Force be with you Jedi Shena Tokala out


  1. Awesome video! I don't know Natalie Lancing, but I'm guessing you're the girl without glasses and with curly hair. :D I'm glad you got third place. The sound is great, and the camera is good too. Not shaky like mines. Your acting is so real, and I hardly noticed when you were looking at the screen (I know, not exactly the screen). I love the part that you said "incase someone might capture us" for stealing the car. lol.

    I didn't realize you can drive... I keep on forgetting that I'm actually talking to someone way older than me. I loved the part where your sister (I'm assuming) was hitting the brakes and you were screeching at her and she was wailing I can't drive on the left side (lol!). And the snail part too :D

    For constructive critism, there are some parts you can edit and cut out, because I think 9:44 is too long.

    I did a film too, but then they didn't judge it yet. Can you tell me what you think about it? :) thx
    Scroll until u see "Darth Vader and the Dork Side of the Force" :D

    1. Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed it! :D :D You are right, that is me :). I agree, those were some of my favorite parts as well :D.
      I can sort of drive but in the scene we weren't actually driving(since I haven't got my license yet).
      In the competition the maximum length was ten minutes and since we like to make longish films, it's always rather close.
      I liked your film, it was really good. :) My favorite part was when Darth Vader got detention >:)

    2. Oh... so that's why the view outside wasn't moving on one part. But you fooled us :D
      Thanks for watching that :D

  2. I do not know how I must have missed this post. I guess the Dashboard stopped working again. :/
    Great mini movie. :) It was funny and ya'll's acting was good. :D


    1. Thank you very much for the comment! :D Glad you enjoyed the movie :)
