
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Achieving my Yellow Stripe in Taekwondo

On April 21st I passed my Taekwondo testing and moved up from a White Belt to a Yellow Stripe! :D I tested April 21st but I didn't find out if I'd passed until the following Monday(and I was worried that I hadn't passed). Luckily I did as did my younger sister and we are both excited to be learning new things in our higher rank(now white belts have to bow to us and call us ma'am >:) hehe). Testing was sort of like class; we all stood up at the front in a small line(my sister and I were testing with three little boys; one was testing for his yellow belt and the others were testing with their stripes alongside us. The higher ranks tested after us). The three black belts tested us; the youngest one demonstrated everything and the two older ones watched us with our scoring papers and they took notes and graded us. We had to know certain things like certain kicks, punches, stances, combinations, three forms(the first two are really easy and are mirrors of each other), and our terminology. Even though I was nervous, it was a good experience and I'm glad my sister and I passed our first testing. Now, onto my Yellow Belt :) Sorry for not posting until now, I've been kind of busy this last week. Hope you have a good day and May the Force be with you...Always Jedi Shena Tokala out


  1. CONGRATLATIONS SHENA!! Thats Awesome! If only white belts bowed to us in karate!;)

    1. Thank you, Voronda!! :D Yeah, they are quite strict on that in Taekwondo ;). What belt are you in Karate? :)

  2. Congrats! I wanna learn! I wanna be like Jedi... but I learn Muay Thai instead...

  3. Congrats Shena! That's super awesome that you got your yellow stripe! :D

  4. oh so proud of u!!! congrads. :)

  5. You're already yellow? Congrats! Or, is it white with a yellow stripe? We don't have stripes here in Karate. Just white, yellow, orange, green, blue, brown, and then black. But that's just the Goju-Ryu. I don't know about the other streams.

    My latest test was around April. I'm now blue belt (Kyu 4), and I received the Best Participant for the +12 Year Old category award! I've received it before and skipped orange belt as a reward, not that I'm bragging. It's what you can call 'luck'. I was the oldest female participant between the green belts. No wonder...

    But still, a white belt nearly beat me in the qualification round! And she's younger than I am. That was humiliating, in a certain way.

    1. Thanks! :D No, I'm just a white with a yellow stripe. I could've tested for yellow already but I was gone on vacation when testing happened so I missed it. I hope to test this month sometime, though :).

      Congrats!! :D That's awesome!! :D

      Ugh, I'm sorry about that, I hate that sort of thing :(
