
Sunday, January 8, 2012

The end of my book series :)

Roughly seven years ago I came up with an idea for a science fiction book series. It started out as an idea for a film but I decided that I should make it into a book series first. At first the story wasn't so great- I started off the characters really young and the story was a cobbled together mess of other works that I admired. But, through it all, the core of the story as been the same- it was about a girl who fought in a war. And I stuck with that core and that girl who once was just a one-dimensional figure and is now as real as any human being.
I started the first book and after several failed attempts wrote one with a plot that worked well and that I liked. Since then I have written the rest of the series, including the last one which I finished today. The last book is 608 pages long and has 56 chapters. I am really proud with how it turned out- how the characters were written, how the plot, emotion, and action came out. The characters have changed; I've added some and some have been raised and lowered in significance. And all in all, the story has taken flight and is nearly complete.
So, now all I have to do is finished re-writing book one(yes, I needed to do another revision), edit all five books, then send them to the publisher. Oh, and of course there is the second series to start writing >:). I've already started planning on it.
Have a wonderful day and May the Force be with You....Always. :)


  1. Congratulations!!!!! That's HUGE!! I'm so happy for you! I did the same thing a few years ago, but it's still not finished. I have four cruddy books and about twelve different versions of the first one... One of these days maybe I'll have the same result as you :)


  2. Thank you very much, Stephanie :D Don't give up; it may take years but you'll find a version you love that will stick with you. I wish you lots of luck with your book and will be looking forward to reading them :)

  3. CONGRATS. That is a huge accomplishment and very impressive. Best of luck with the revisions and getting it published

  4. Thank you very much, jedigal! :D :)

  5. that is awesome. the highest i've ever gone was 105 pages. if u ever need some to read it i'll be honored to. :)

  6. Thank you very much, Aayla :D. That's good that you got to 105 pages, it means your serious about your work which is awesome :D.

  7. That sounds awesome! I'm an editor for my sister's book (not even 600 pages yet, but it's good), and I'd love to see excerpts from your story!

  8. Thank you very much OneofakindKinight! :D That's cool that your editing your sister's book; editing is a very important part writing a story so I wish good luck to both of you :)

    To both you and Aayla- I might post an excerpt from chapter one of my first book, though of course I'll have to see if I can make it where only followers can see it :) I'd love for you both to give me some critiques on my writing, it would be very much appreciated. :D

  9. Huge congrats to you! That's amazing - you're really dedicated and I wish you the very best when you go to publish it!

  10. Thank you very much Arda :D I'll let everyone on here know when it's published :) Hopefully I can get the first book re-wrote sometime this year(which I can do if I work on it like crazy :D).

  11. Awesome!!! If it gets published, I'll be the first to read it! :D
    How are you gonna get it published?! I have a similar goal to you and I wanna acomplish it as well as I see you do it now :)
    But seven years ago I'm still five!!! I guess I'm too young to start then :P So I'm seriously starting now... from what I've got in my past years :)

  12. Thank you, Solace!
    If you want to get published you have to do research and find out what each publisher wants you to send them. Here is a book that greatly helped me out when I sent an older version of my first book to a publisher(I got rejected but that happens to every author)- Here's the book -

    Hope this helps :)
