I was tagged in the 11 Tag again by James at JandJ Productions - http://jandjproductions1809.blogspot.com/
Thanks James! :)
Here are the rules.
1) Post these rules.
2) Post 11 random things about yourself
3) Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post
4) Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
5) Go to their blog and tell them they’ve been tagged
6) No cop-outs in the tagging section like, “If you are reading this” or “if you follow me”. You have to legitimately tag people!
Now I have to give 11 random facts about me. Here goes.
1: I have a real, actual sword. No I mean it, I do. SEE!!!? -
2: I've been on a local radio station. Some other cast members and I did it to promote the play we were doing at the time.
3: I'm auditioning for the play "Once Upon a Mattress"(a rendition of The Princess and the Pea) at my local, community theater and I hope to get a good part in the play(I did Annie at this theater last summer and it was amazing). I hope to get the lead since I have the right voice type(belt) to sing her part and I feel I could act her part as well. Just keeping my fingers crossed.
4: I've been to Mexico.
5: I'm a direct descendant of Middle Ages writer Chaucer(author of "The Canterbury Tales") :D :D I'm also related to King Charlemagne, William the Conquerer, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and Elizabeth the II.
6: My favorite fictional character of all time is the great Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi but if you've read enough of my blog posts, you already know that ;) :)
7: I can count to twenty in both Spanish and German and I can count to ten in Korean.
8: I have a pretty big singing range- I can sing up into whistle tone and I can also go quite low. I'm also a belter.
9: I am writing a science fiction series(which has been in the works since I was nine) and I've pretty much finished- I just have to finish re-writing the first book and edit them all. :)
10: My sister and I are often thought to be twins(I'm two years older than her) and it can be kinda annoying. (I have two younger siblings, a sister and a brother).
11: I'm definitely not a hugging/holding hands type person though I will hug someone if I feel like I should(for example, I'll hug the family of the person deceased during a funeral) but I hardly ever initiate the hug.
11 Questions(asked by James)
1: Favorite Video Game - My favorites are: Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes, Harry Potter: The Video Game, Lego Star Wars III, Lego Harry Potter years 1-4, and Little Big Planet. I also played a little bit of Infamous at my friends house one time and it was a lot of fun. I would LOVE to play both KOTOR games(since they look really awesome). I've done duel mode of The Force Unleashed and I have watched the video snippets but I'd love to play the game.
2: Favorite Live Action Fiction TV Series (does not include comedies)
Definitely "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." It's a really good sci-fi, action t.v show wtih cool action sequences, great characters, and very good plots. I also really enjoy it's spin-off "Angel." Other live action shows I enjoy are- "North and South", "Glee", "Once Upon a Time", and "Modern Family." (My three top t.v shows are animated and they are "Star Wars: The Clone Wars", "Avatar: The Last Airbender", and Star Wars: Clone Wars. I also like "Pokemon").
3: Have you listened to an audiobook? If so what is the best one you have listened to I've loved listening to audiobooks since I was small and I still really enjoy it. My favorite stories to listen to were "The Witch and Wizard trilogy", "Running Out of Time", "The Taking" and some of the Star Wars books(I haven't really listened to any good Star Wars books on audio let but I plan on it.)
4: Do you believe in Bigfoot, UFOs, or Ghosts?
I don't believe in Bigfoot; I really just think it was a large animal that people saw and didn't know what it was. Regarding UFOs; well I definitely believe in extra-terrestrials since why would there be only one inhabited planet in this huge, HUGE universe? I don't know whether they'd pilot UFO's or if their ships would look completely different from anything we could imagine. Regarding ghosts, I think that sometimes the dead come back to check up on those they love that are still living. I don't believe that the ghost can interact with the living but I think they are present.
5: What is your favorite Baseball team? If you don't like Baseball what is your favorite sports team. I'm not exactly a sports person and baseball isn't exactly my thing but I guess for favorite sports team I'll go with "The Cowboys/Cowgirls", "The Sooners", and "The Red Sox"
6: What is your opinion of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (or if you haven't seen them, do you want to watch them) Oh my gosh, I absolutely LOVE The Lord of the Rings!!!! They are my second favorite fictional universe after Star Wars and it is AMAZING! :D
7: What is the best movie you have seen in the theaters? For when it was the first time I'd seen the film? - Harry Potter 7 part 1 and 2; they were so amazing! :) I loved getting to see "The Phantom Menace" in theaters since I didn't get the chance to see them in theaters when they were released.
8: Do you like or dislike the Star Wars Prequels (if you haven't seen the Star Wars prequel trilogy do you want to see the any of the Star Wars movies) I LOVE the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy!!!!!(I love pretty much anything Star Wars, though I detest the Mandalore arc in season 2). The movies have all most all of my favorite characters in them and I just really love everything about them! Plus "Revenge of the Sith" is my favorite film of all time :). (And Obi-Wan is in his prime here so that's definitely a bonus as if his friendships with Anakin and Qui-Gon).
9: What movie quote do you use most often in normal conversation? "Possibly" "Really?" "What took you so long?" "Oh, you know Master, I couldn't find a speeder that I really liked". Sometimes I will just randomly say a Star Wars line and people will stare at me XD.
10: Do you like or dislike older movies in general (before 1980) It depends on the quality of the movie. I've seen shows from many eras and liked and disliked stories from them both.
11: Marvel vs. DC, which is your favorite (please note if you have not seen many movies from either franchise) That is a hard question- I like Batman, Robin and Wonderwoman but then I also like X-Men a lot. I guess I'll go with Marvel since I really enjoyed X-Men
Well, I've already tagged a lot of people and a lot of people have already been tagged so I won't continue this post. :)
Have a good day and May the Force be with you...Always
Jedi Shena Tokala out
Monday, February 27, 2012
Favorite Song Monday
Today's song is the beautiful "Angels on the Moon" by Thriving Ivory. The song was written in honor of those who perished in 911 and for all of us to remember to enjoy life while we have it.
There are two versions of this song and I will be posting both of them :).
Here is a Star Wars related video for this song and it's AMAZING! :) Just so you know, it has kind of a weird intro thing but it isn't very long.
Hope you all have a good day and May the Force be with you.....Always
Jedi Shena Tokala out
There are two versions of this song and I will be posting both of them :).
Here is a Star Wars related video for this song and it's AMAZING! :) Just so you know, it has kind of a weird intro thing but it isn't very long.
Hope you all have a good day and May the Force be with you.....Always
Jedi Shena Tokala out
Sunday, February 26, 2012
"Massacre" review
Sorry for reviewing so late! But here is my review of the latest Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode.
I seem to be in a group pretty much unto itself here; I didn't totally detest it, I didn't feel offended, and I didn't completely love it. I can definitely see why people would have any of these views so I though I'd give my input on what I thought of this latest installment.
I think one of the main reasons I didn't enjoy this episode as much as the more recent ones was because no matter what, it would be hard to pull off something as awesome as "Friends and Enemies" or "Escape from Kadavo" at this point in the finale's arc. While an all right episode, I didn't really feel all that intrigued by the story which probably had to do with the fact that it was about the nightsisters whom I like in the EU but aren't all that interesting, to me anyway, in The Clone Wars.
What I liked: I really enjoyed getting to see a different side of Ventress.
In the episode she was all confused and seemed more like a lost little girl than the powerful, cruel force we've mostly seen from her(even though we've seen a more tragic outlook on her before, she still managed to have that viciousness, that didn't seem all that apparent here). Her character, which I've always found to be intriguing, was very well done here and I look forward to seeing more of her. I also, surprisingly felt bad for Dooku(the only other time that has happened was right before he was executed) when that witch Mother Talzin was getting all voodoo with him (getting wars, burns, and stabs- poor guy!). The action was also pretty good and I wished the duel between Grievous and Ventress had been a bit longer. I'd also like to say that I felt bad for the nightsisters as they were needlessly slaughtered; they were just defending themselves and they were all killed which was sad(though not all the nightsisters are gone since they appear later in the EU). No matter what, I am against genocide and the fact that Mother Talzin let it happen makes my disgust for her grow. I was also happy to see Grievous again since he's been absent for a LONG time. I also enjoyed the part at the end with Ventress and Talzin; very well done.
What I didn't like: Well, I'm not really a fan of the nightsister in The Clone Wars as I said above but I didn't really hate or love anything in this episode. The episode, in truth, sort of bored me but that's just me and I'm very happy if you enjoyed it; Jedi are just more my thing, I suppose :) (though I do like dark stuff). Though I do have to say I hate Mother Talzin; I was actually hoping that Grievous would run her through.
As for the magic and dark stuff, I found it to be actually quite tame compared to what other people make in fictional stories. Yes, it was a bit much for small children but really if you compare it to the likes of the terror-filled things of horror films or the dark stuff in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and The Taking(which are all really good) it's like Kindergarten and College. I'm a Christian and I didn't take offense to it; the Baptism thing just made me think of some dark, initiation and magic has never bothered me. The voodoo dolls and zombies seemed a little unnecessary but were cool looking in a creepy way. Though whatever your opinion, I respect it since, as they always say, to each their own. :)
I'm sort of looking forward to the rest of the finale, particularly "Revenge" which is going to have Obi-Wan in it and I'm excited about seeing where that all leads(even if I don't consider Darth Maul's return canon). Also, in the synopsis of "Revenge" it mentions Obi-Wan having an unlikely ally in his duel against Maul and Savage and I have a pretty good idea of who that is going to be ;).
So have a good rest of your day and May the Force be with you....Always ;) :) :D
Jedi Shena Tokala out
Friday, February 24, 2012
From the holodiary of Aran Liander: Jedi Apprentice
981 ARR
It's hard to believe, but the tension on Coruscant is a whole lot worse. The Council and the Chancellor seem....at odds. Not that they're being rude to each other or anything; they are, as they have always been, civil. But there is a tightness in their faces that used to not be there when they were in each others presences.
Anakin does definitely not look well. Whenever I see him pacing the halls of the Temple, I take notice the gray tint in his skin which seems to have grew like an infestation on his face ever since Obi-Wan left. He left the Temple again to meet up with the Senator again last night but I swear on the Jedi Code I have not followed him.
Yet even with this terrible, nerve-raising tenseness, I still feel that the war will end soon. I can't quite explain why I feel this is so but I know that it's true; I just don't know what it will mean. When I first sensed I felt, as I told you before, great happiness but now I'm not so sure. What if the war DOES end but we are the ones defeated? I can't bear such an idea; how will the thousands in the Republic survive if we lose to the Sith? I feel sick just thinking about it.
My Master and I have been spending a lot of time together lately; not just training and going missions like we'd done before the war but walking or traveling around Coruscant and talking.
I've really been enjoying our time together; it makes me feel more calm and secure than I've felt in a long time and sometimes I'm able to forget about all the death I have seen and caused, all the losses, all the grief, all the secrets. I thank the Force that I have such a kind, caring Master who is able to speak to me like a Master should and help me with my problems. I couldn't ask for a better person to train under.
We are going out to a restaurant now. I'll be back when I have the time to write.
I'm scared. I just awoke from a nightmare and....and I don't know how to explain it into something intelligible. Something is wrong, I can sense something is wrong. While sleeping all I could see was an explosion and with that supernova of light and burning, raw power I sensed death. But it was more than that but, but I don't understand everything. I heard strange, crude voices speaking in a rough language I have no knowledge of; beyond that everything was just too bizarre, too twisted.
I've tried staring out the window at the space traffic but it's just making me more edgy and scared since the lights speeding across the night reminds be of that abominable star-burst, that explosion of evil that had startled me from sleep.
The tension is worse, I can suddenly feel it in the air; as if the entire population on Coruscant was holding it's breath, waiting for something that was softly approaching; coming slowly out of the night.
Okay, okay, I need to stop. Thinking about such things will cause me to take that fatal plunge into despair that leads to the darkside. I can't let that happen....I won't let it happen.
There are many Jedi and even though we are spread thing we'll be fine. We have the Force and we have each other and I hope and believe that will see us all through the shadows to dawn.
It look bleak now but we must trust in the Force and the Republic. I know I do.
May the Force be with you and let all that I dream about never, ever come to pass.
Aran Liander
The 11 Tag
Savanna from Pandas, Lightsabers, and Cameras, oh my!-http://pandasabercamera.blogspot.com/2012/02/11-tag.html tagged me in the 11 Tag post. Thanks Savanna :)
The Rules:
1) Post these rules.
2) Post 11 random things about yourself.
3) Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
4) Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5) Go to their blog and tell them they’ve been tagged.
6) No cop-outs in the tagging section like, “If you are reading this” or “if you follow me”. You have to legitimately tag people!
11 Random Things about me
1: I've always been a bit of a Tomboy(I've become more increasingly so as I've gotten older). I never liked jewelry or make up and I liked both Princesses and Dinosaurs. I also have been very interested in space, the solar system, and other galaxies ever since I was five years old. I also never liked romance stories and would hide my eyes when people kissed on screen(I still do this-haha, though I do get crushes now that I'm older). I also am very interested in weapons such as lightsabers, swords, bow and arrows, and martial arts.So yeah, you could definitely say I'm a tomboy.
2: I did dance for seven years. I started when I was four and stopped when I was ten. I did ballet the entire time, tap for five years, and jazz for one year. I enjoyed it very much and I'm glad that I did it since I got me to love being on stage(I remember my first time on stage way back when I was five. I kept thinking about how cool it was).
3: Before I continue I'd like to say STAR WARS RULES!!! IT'S AWESOME!!!.
I'm one of those Star Wars fans/geeks/fangirls who considers the EU more canon then The Clone Wars. The reason behind that is because I started getting into the EU right after watching the films back when I was nine years old(the first book I 'read' was "Yoda: Dark Rendezvous"; my Dad read it to my sister and I and we loved it). So you could say that, beside it being the thing I saw first, I also have a child-like fondness for the EU that I have for the movies.
4: I have OCD. I found out back when I was about 10 that I had it. If you don't know what OCD is, it stands for "Obsession Compulsive Disorder" and what it pretty much is that your brain gets stuck on a subject(most of the time it's something you don't want to think about or something that makes you angry/upset). I don't have it too bad and I've definitely improved a lot on it.
5: I was born Emergency C-Section. This happened because I had meconium in my lungs and my umbilical cord was tied in three knots. I ended up being transported my helicopter(I was only a few hours old) to a larger hospital where I stayed hooked up to a monitor. Poor baby me :( But I did get to fly in a helicopter which not many can say, so yay! :D
6: I'm going to Celebration VI this year! I don't which days but I'm going to be going for two of them. I'll be dressing up in my Jedi cloak and tunic(with everything that goes with it). I am REALLY looking forward to this even since I'm going to get to be around a bunch of Star Wars fans and I'll even get to meet a few actors.
7: I'm not much of a romantic(I've never read a romance novel..well, except for Twilight but I didn't like that book at all and I'm sure if it counts as one).
But I really liked the pairings of Obi-Wan/Siri, Qui-Gon/Tahl, Anakin Solo/Tahiri Veila, Darra/Ferus, Jaina/Zekk, and Tenel Ka/Jacen. I'm definetely a huge Siri-Wan fan and it's the only romance surrounding Obi-Wan that I believe is canon.
8: I'm a Liberal Democrat and a Christian(I'm a Lutheran; the E.L.C.A branch. I also have some Universalist leanings). I have a strong hold my beliefs and know what I think and believe. I have respect for people who believe and think differently then I do and understand that others have differentiating opinions(whether it be political, religious, or even Star Wars canon) and I try to get along with people of all religious or political backgrounds as long as they respect my opinions on things as well.
9: My favorite types of fiction are Science Fiction and Fantasy. I love watching films and t.v shows and reading books in these genres. I love all stories about adventures in space and in other lands where good and evil must battle it out. I also write in these two genres(though I plan on doing others as well). I've written five books in a science fiction series so far and I really like how it is. I also really want to be in films in these two genres. I'm an actor, writer, filmmaker, singer, taekwondo trainee, piano and clarinet player, and a Jedi :)
10: I started Taekwondo last month and I hope to test soon for my yellow stripe. I really enjoy it and I've learned quite a lot. Besides martial arts, two other physically active activities I've done are soccer, softball, and basketball. I loved both soccer and basketball but I didn't enjoy softball all that much(I did it for two years). The main reason I didn't like softball all that much was because I was always stuck in the outfield where nothing happened.
11: I'm a total Star Wars fangirl/geek/fan/nerd person! I love the films, the books, the t.v shows(both of them), the games, and the comics(which I have yet to read but which look really epic). I've loved it since I was nine and saw "A New Hope" for the first time. The Jedi have always fascinated me and I've always thought it would be cool to be one. Other stories I really, really love are- Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, and any other really well written work. :)
11 Random Questions(asked by Savanna)
1: What do you think of homeschoolers? Well, I AM a homeschooler so I think they are awesome! I've been homeschooled my entire life and I'm very glad that I have been since I've been able to be who I wanted to be and I don't succumb to peer pressure.
2: What was your favorite TV show as a child?
I was always more of a movie kind of girl when I was small but I always loved watching shows on PBS Kids. I also enjoyed watching The Amazing Race and Little House on the Prairie.
3: What is your main passion in life? Well, I have more than one. Here they are: Acting, writing, filmmaking, and Star Wars. I want to be an actor, writer, and filmmaker when I grow up and Star Wars is such a big part of who I am that I had to add it. :)
4: If you had to choose one song to represent your life what would it be?
Faith of the Heart by Russell Watson. It's a very uplifting song about overcoming things in your life and that is what I've done in the past and what I know I'll have to do in the future. Here is the song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpQNQLV3SN4
5: Ice Cream or Popsicle? Ice Cream of course! I love both but I just really, really LOVE Ice Cream. It's definetely my favorite dessert and one of my favorite foods.
6: Who is your favorite villain(from a movie or a t.v show)?
Darth Vader, The Emperor, Spike, Sauron, Voldemort, The Firelord, The Mayor, and Rumpelstiltskin(from Once Upon a Time)
7: Who do you greatly admire in this world?
Those who the world forgets but who help those in need. Those that put aside their own desires for the help of others. People who do what is right no matter the pain that must be endured. People who strive to do good for their fellow neighbor.
And I also admire George Lucas, Jude Watson, Matthew Stover, J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S Lewis, and many other creators of amazing works.
8: How would you describe your clothing style? Plain, modest, casual, and sometimes slightly boyish. I don't wear anything with a V neck or a U neck or anything that is too tight or thin.
9. Do you like thrill rides (roller coasters, etc) at amusement parks? Yes!!!! They are awesome and really fun to ride.
10. Have you ever been to Disney World or Disneyland? I went to Disney World back when I was six and loved it! I remember having so much fun while I was there and I can't wait to go there again this summer.
11. How would you describe yourself in 3 words? Compassionate, Stubborn, and Creative
Okay, so now I have to give 11 questions for the people I tag to answer.
1: What is your favorite book?
2: Have you ever traveled to another country? If you haven't where would you like to go?
3: What is your favorite genre of music
4: What is your favorite hair color
5: Do you like YouTube?
6: Which fictional characters have you had a crush on? If you haven't which character is your favorite?
7: If you could have a lightsaber, what color would you want it to be?
8: What Jedi/Sith would you be in the Star Wars universe?
9: Do you like anime? If so, which is your favorite?
10: What is your favorite thing to learn about?
11: Who is your favorite superhero?
Tagging time!
Okay, so I guess I'll tag
Arda - http://inwesternlands.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2012-01-01T00:00:00-05:00&updated-max=2013-01-01T00:00:00-05:00&max-results=3
Aayla Rain - http://aalyarain.blogspot.com/
James and Jacob - http://jandjproductions1809.blogspot.com/
Stephanie - http://theforbiddenme.blogspot.com/
Lee - http://leesliterarylounge.blogspot.com/
Misty - http://actor-writer-dreamer.blogspot.com/
Solace - http://prophetsoftheforce.blogspot.com/
Voronda - http://a-belivers-journey.blogspot.com/
4peace - http://willowcreekhomeschool.blogspot.com/
jedigal1990 - http://ajediandamouse.blogspot.com/
Annika - http://writingbeyondthemoon.blogspot.com/
Have a good day and May the Force be with you! :)
The Rules:
1) Post these rules.
2) Post 11 random things about yourself.
3) Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
4) Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5) Go to their blog and tell them they’ve been tagged.
6) No cop-outs in the tagging section like, “If you are reading this” or “if you follow me”. You have to legitimately tag people!
11 Random Things about me
1: I've always been a bit of a Tomboy(I've become more increasingly so as I've gotten older). I never liked jewelry or make up and I liked both Princesses and Dinosaurs. I also have been very interested in space, the solar system, and other galaxies ever since I was five years old. I also never liked romance stories and would hide my eyes when people kissed on screen(I still do this-haha, though I do get crushes now that I'm older). I also am very interested in weapons such as lightsabers, swords, bow and arrows, and martial arts.So yeah, you could definitely say I'm a tomboy.
2: I did dance for seven years. I started when I was four and stopped when I was ten. I did ballet the entire time, tap for five years, and jazz for one year. I enjoyed it very much and I'm glad that I did it since I got me to love being on stage(I remember my first time on stage way back when I was five. I kept thinking about how cool it was).
3: Before I continue I'd like to say STAR WARS RULES!!! IT'S AWESOME!!!.
I'm one of those Star Wars fans/geeks/fangirls who considers the EU more canon then The Clone Wars. The reason behind that is because I started getting into the EU right after watching the films back when I was nine years old(the first book I 'read' was "Yoda: Dark Rendezvous"; my Dad read it to my sister and I and we loved it). So you could say that, beside it being the thing I saw first, I also have a child-like fondness for the EU that I have for the movies.
4: I have OCD. I found out back when I was about 10 that I had it. If you don't know what OCD is, it stands for "Obsession Compulsive Disorder" and what it pretty much is that your brain gets stuck on a subject(most of the time it's something you don't want to think about or something that makes you angry/upset). I don't have it too bad and I've definitely improved a lot on it.
5: I was born Emergency C-Section. This happened because I had meconium in my lungs and my umbilical cord was tied in three knots. I ended up being transported my helicopter(I was only a few hours old) to a larger hospital where I stayed hooked up to a monitor. Poor baby me :( But I did get to fly in a helicopter which not many can say, so yay! :D
6: I'm going to Celebration VI this year! I don't which days but I'm going to be going for two of them. I'll be dressing up in my Jedi cloak and tunic(with everything that goes with it). I am REALLY looking forward to this even since I'm going to get to be around a bunch of Star Wars fans and I'll even get to meet a few actors.
7: I'm not much of a romantic(I've never read a romance novel..well, except for Twilight but I didn't like that book at all and I'm sure if it counts as one).
But I really liked the pairings of Obi-Wan/Siri, Qui-Gon/Tahl, Anakin Solo/Tahiri Veila, Darra/Ferus, Jaina/Zekk, and Tenel Ka/Jacen. I'm definetely a huge Siri-Wan fan and it's the only romance surrounding Obi-Wan that I believe is canon.
8: I'm a Liberal Democrat and a Christian(I'm a Lutheran; the E.L.C.A branch. I also have some Universalist leanings). I have a strong hold my beliefs and know what I think and believe. I have respect for people who believe and think differently then I do and understand that others have differentiating opinions(whether it be political, religious, or even Star Wars canon) and I try to get along with people of all religious or political backgrounds as long as they respect my opinions on things as well.
9: My favorite types of fiction are Science Fiction and Fantasy. I love watching films and t.v shows and reading books in these genres. I love all stories about adventures in space and in other lands where good and evil must battle it out. I also write in these two genres(though I plan on doing others as well). I've written five books in a science fiction series so far and I really like how it is. I also really want to be in films in these two genres. I'm an actor, writer, filmmaker, singer, taekwondo trainee, piano and clarinet player, and a Jedi :)
10: I started Taekwondo last month and I hope to test soon for my yellow stripe. I really enjoy it and I've learned quite a lot. Besides martial arts, two other physically active activities I've done are soccer, softball, and basketball. I loved both soccer and basketball but I didn't enjoy softball all that much(I did it for two years). The main reason I didn't like softball all that much was because I was always stuck in the outfield where nothing happened.
11: I'm a total Star Wars fangirl/geek/fan/nerd person! I love the films, the books, the t.v shows(both of them), the games, and the comics(which I have yet to read but which look really epic). I've loved it since I was nine and saw "A New Hope" for the first time. The Jedi have always fascinated me and I've always thought it would be cool to be one. Other stories I really, really love are- Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, and any other really well written work. :)
11 Random Questions(asked by Savanna)
1: What do you think of homeschoolers? Well, I AM a homeschooler so I think they are awesome! I've been homeschooled my entire life and I'm very glad that I have been since I've been able to be who I wanted to be and I don't succumb to peer pressure.
2: What was your favorite TV show as a child?
I was always more of a movie kind of girl when I was small but I always loved watching shows on PBS Kids. I also enjoyed watching The Amazing Race and Little House on the Prairie.
3: What is your main passion in life? Well, I have more than one. Here they are: Acting, writing, filmmaking, and Star Wars. I want to be an actor, writer, and filmmaker when I grow up and Star Wars is such a big part of who I am that I had to add it. :)
4: If you had to choose one song to represent your life what would it be?
Faith of the Heart by Russell Watson. It's a very uplifting song about overcoming things in your life and that is what I've done in the past and what I know I'll have to do in the future. Here is the song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpQNQLV3SN4
5: Ice Cream or Popsicle? Ice Cream of course! I love both but I just really, really LOVE Ice Cream. It's definetely my favorite dessert and one of my favorite foods.
6: Who is your favorite villain(from a movie or a t.v show)?
Darth Vader, The Emperor, Spike, Sauron, Voldemort, The Firelord, The Mayor, and Rumpelstiltskin(from Once Upon a Time)
7: Who do you greatly admire in this world?
Those who the world forgets but who help those in need. Those that put aside their own desires for the help of others. People who do what is right no matter the pain that must be endured. People who strive to do good for their fellow neighbor.
And I also admire George Lucas, Jude Watson, Matthew Stover, J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S Lewis, and many other creators of amazing works.
8: How would you describe your clothing style? Plain, modest, casual, and sometimes slightly boyish. I don't wear anything with a V neck or a U neck or anything that is too tight or thin.
9. Do you like thrill rides (roller coasters, etc) at amusement parks? Yes!!!! They are awesome and really fun to ride.
10. Have you ever been to Disney World or Disneyland? I went to Disney World back when I was six and loved it! I remember having so much fun while I was there and I can't wait to go there again this summer.
11. How would you describe yourself in 3 words? Compassionate, Stubborn, and Creative
Okay, so now I have to give 11 questions for the people I tag to answer.
1: What is your favorite book?
2: Have you ever traveled to another country? If you haven't where would you like to go?
3: What is your favorite genre of music
4: What is your favorite hair color
5: Do you like YouTube?
6: Which fictional characters have you had a crush on? If you haven't which character is your favorite?
7: If you could have a lightsaber, what color would you want it to be?
8: What Jedi/Sith would you be in the Star Wars universe?
9: Do you like anime? If so, which is your favorite?
10: What is your favorite thing to learn about?
11: Who is your favorite superhero?
Tagging time!
Okay, so I guess I'll tag
Arda - http://inwesternlands.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2012-01-01T00:00:00-05:00&updated-max=2013-01-01T00:00:00-05:00&max-results=3
Aayla Rain - http://aalyarain.blogspot.com/
James and Jacob - http://jandjproductions1809.blogspot.com/
Stephanie - http://theforbiddenme.blogspot.com/
Lee - http://leesliterarylounge.blogspot.com/
Misty - http://actor-writer-dreamer.blogspot.com/
Solace - http://prophetsoftheforce.blogspot.com/
Voronda - http://a-belivers-journey.blogspot.com/
4peace - http://willowcreekhomeschool.blogspot.com/
jedigal1990 - http://ajediandamouse.blogspot.com/
Annika - http://writingbeyondthemoon.blogspot.com/
Have a good day and May the Force be with you! :)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Fandom Identification Card: What I would be in various fandoms
Okay, so I took this quiz and I got some pretty cool answers. I haven't seen/read every single one of the stories just yet, but I did some research to see what some of these groups/people are. I love the fact that a lot of them are heroes which makes me happy since that's what I strive for :)
For "Harry Potter" my answer was Gryffindor- I love Harry Potter and since this is my favorite house, I'm glad to have been placed there :)
For "The Hunger Games" my answer was District 5- This is the Disctrict Foxface came from and since I like her character, I guess it works for me.
For "Twilight" I got Vampire- Well, let's just say I don't like Twilight at all and leave it at that since I'm not into romance books and that's what the series is. I guess the Vampire is cool- at least I'm not Bella -but I don't like the idea of sparkling in the sun.
For "Lord of the Rings" I my answer was Elf- This is awesome!! I love Lord of the Rings and the elves in that epic have always intrigued me and I've always thought it be cool to be one :)
For "Star Wars" my answer was Jedi - OH YES!!!! That's the answer I definitely want!!!! JEDI RULE!!!!! That made me very happy :D :) <3
For "Divergent" my answer was Dauntless- I haven't read this book just yet but apparently this group of people are the brave, tough, warrior type which I think would be cool to be :)
For "His Dark Materials" I got Republic of Heaven- I've read the first two books in the series(I'm planning on reading the third soon) so I haven't really seen all that much about these people. Apparently they are for creating a utopia on earth or something like that.
For "Mortal Instruments" I got Faerie- I haven't read these books yet but from what I've seen I guess Faeries are the good guys.
For "Percy Jackson" I got Demigod- Well that's cool! I love this series and all my favorite characters were demigods. :)
For "Chronicles of Narnia" my answer was A Child of Adam and Eve- So I'm like Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, and the other kids who come to Narnia? Awesome! I love the series and the answer works for me :)
For "Game of Thorns" I got House Stark- I haven't watched this t.v show(or read the books it is based off of) but this house seems all right to me.
For "Doctor Who" I got Captain Jack- I haven't seen all that much of Doctor Who yet(I'm halfway through the season with the ninth doctor) but from what I read of this man he seems like a good guy and an interesting character. :D
For "Delirium" I got Uncured- I haven't read this book yet(though it looks interesting) but it appears that being 'uncured' is actually a good thing- it means that you aren't immune to love(I thought it meant you have some sort of plague)
For "Star Trek" I got Earthling- Well, I believe that's a good thing since I already am one. I've only seen the most recent Star Trek film(which was very good) but I plan on watching the television shows and the movies.
For "Battlestar Gallactica" I got human- Well, I'm a human so that's a good thing to be :). I haven't seen this show either but I plan on it :)
Well, that was interesting :)
Have a good rest of your night and May the Force be with you :)
Monday, February 20, 2012
Favorite Song Monday
So today's song is "Anthem of the Angels" by Breaking Benjamin. It's an amazing song and definitely one of my favorites by them. :)
Here is a really well done Star Wars video that goes with the song. Enjoy :)
Have a good rest of your day and May the Force be with you :)
Jedi Shena Tokala out
Here is a really well done Star Wars video that goes with the song. Enjoy :)
Have a good rest of your day and May the Force be with you :)
Jedi Shena Tokala out
Friday, February 17, 2012
The Holodiary of Aran Liander- Jedi Apprentice
981 ARR
I have some very good news; General Grievous has been found and Master Obi-Wan Kenobi has been sent to take him out. Some of the younger Jedi have some doubts whether or not Master Kenobi can handle it but I know he'll do just fine in taking that metal monster down; he killed a Sith Lord as an Apprentice and I'm certain he will be able to take down a non-Force user, even a formidable one such as Grievous. My only question is why Anakin won't be going with his former Master; they ARE a team after and an extremely effective one at that. But all in all, I'm just very, very thankful that Grievous will soon be gone; once he's gone, the war will be over.
I can't imagine not being at war. Even though the war has only been in three years of my life, not even half of it, I feel as if I've been fighting for forever. I'm not sure what to expect when the war ends; how will I react? Will I feel joy or nothing? But enough of that; I need to stop focusing on the negative and instead take part in the small joys I can gather in this dark, but hopefully brightening, time.
I watched Obi-Wan and Anakin walking through the halls of the Temple earlier right before Master Kenobi departed for his mission. I can't believe how close they are; they were once Master and Apprentice but their relationship seems very different than that between Master and pupil or even parent and child. I must have had my mouth open because Obi-Wan gave me a smile and nodded his head in my direction.
“May the Force be with you, Master Kenobi,” I'd said, bowing. He'd returned it and thanked me before starting off again, Anakin following quickly by his side. I remember it even now, that sudden sense that they weren't two individuals but one unit; two halves of the same hole. The light had shone between them and for a moment Obi-Wan seemed to melt into the light, his light brown cloak seeming to gather the light in it and reflect it in an array of many beautiful lights. Anakin's cloak had had a much different effect, however. His cloak seemed to glow with a faint crimson glow, like that of magma bubbling up from a volcano. Yet even though their lights were different they seemed to somehow fit and it was...beautiful. Their friendship, their companionship, everything- it was so strong that I had no way of knowing how it had all worked out or how much they cared about each other. It was definitely different than anything I'd seen in anyone.
Then Anakin had suddenly turned to look back at me, his light blue eyes blank and I'd shuddered, the image of him embracing the Senator from Naboo flooding my vision. Did he know I knew. But he'd smiled at me and raised a hand and the air had left my lunges in a whoosh. But even though I was relieved that he didn't know I knew of his secret, I also felt completely wretched for his kindness towards me. Would he have smiled at me if he'd known? I guess I'll never know.
I can't believe I forgot to mention that I have some more good news; I guess I got too carried away. Well, earlier today, my Master and I went out to a restaurant out in a district near the Temple. We typically eat at the Temple when we're on Coruscant but every once in awhile we go out somewhere. No where extravagant, of course, since lavishness is not the Jedi way, but it was a relatively nice place and I enjoyed coming here with my Master.
When we'd left the Temple I'd felt something lift from my chest; like the despair, guilt, and grief had somehow inexplicably left me, at least for a time. My Master, too, seemed a lot more at ease than I'd seen him in a long time- maybe even before the war. It was wonderful, so wonderful. All the people at the place didn't look on us with contempt which was a nice change from the usual dark looks us Jedi have been receiving of late. It was a nice quiet time and we rarely spoke but really it felt like we were communicating without speaking; like we were one. I remember smiling and my Master had asked me about it and I said, a sudden revelation filling me with a certainty that only the Force brings and I'd said “Master, I think the war is going to end soon.” And I truly hope with all my being that my words prove to be true ones. May the Force be with you.
Aran Liander
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Phantom Menace in 3D
Sorry that this is late, but here it is now.
On Friday, I went to the 4:00 showing of "The Phantom Menace" with my parents and younger sister and brother. I dressed up in my Jedi cloak and tunic and made a small Padawan braid in my hair(I was Obi-Wan Kenobi).
It was really a cool experience since I'd never seen a Star Wars film in theaters(by the time I'd gotten into it, ROTS had left theaters :( ) AND I got to see it in 3D! :D
The Phantom Menace is probably my third favorite Star Wars film(after ROTS and ROTJ) so I was especially excited to see it. And it didn't disappoint. I really enjoyed getting to see Obi-Wan on the big screen as WELL as the lightsaber duel at the end.
The acting, while regarded by some as wooden, is actually quite good. Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Pernilla August and Jake Lloyd all do well on their roles in this film and I liked getting to look for the things I'd missed when I'd watched the films at home.
Oh and getting to see the words "Star Wars" and "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" was just awesome! :D
My sister, brother, and I outside the theater room where the movie was being shown :)
Me outside the theater in my costume(with my lightsaber out). Sadly, I was the only one at the theater who dressed up :(. Though there were some little kids who thought my costume was really cool(they were waving at me vigoursly) so when I came inside I bowed to them and said "Hello".
Hope that those who got to see the movie enjoyed it and May the Force be with you :)
Jedi Shena Tokala out
Happy Valentine's Day
Monday, February 13, 2012
Favorite Song Monday
Today my song is "How to Save a Life" by The Fray. It is a really good(and sad) song and I love the lyrics and melody.
There are a few good Star Wars related videos so I'll post them below. Enjoy
May the Force be with you!
Jedi Shena Tokala out
There are a few good Star Wars related videos so I'll post them below. Enjoy
May the Force be with you!
Jedi Shena Tokala out
Saturday, February 11, 2012
"Crisis on Naboo" review
WARNING: This episode contains spoilers from "Crisis on Naboo"
Last night's episode was really awesome!!!! Obi-Wan was awesome(as always) and Anakin and Mace were great as well.
The episode revolves around the Separatist's plan to capture the Chancellor and the Jedi's attempt to stop it from happening. Obi-Wan is still undercover and whose 'job' in the Separatist plot is to hit Palpatine with a knock-out sniper blast(which he doesn't do, haha).
Who will succeed in their plans- the Republic or the Separatists?
The Good: The episode had a lot of really good moments and I was really happy to see more of Obi-Wan being plain awesome- he hasn't done much in the show so getting to see him in a leading role was just epic!
One of my favorites scenes in the episode was his fight against Bane and Eval; he totally kicked their butts(and he was WEAPONLESS)! At first I was worried he wasn't going to win(since he got thrown) but I needn't have been since Obi-Wan rocked the fight yet again :D. I loved how he dodged the blaster bolts that Bane shot at him and how he grabbed onto Bane's ankles after he'd used his feet-jet packs to fly into the air. Which leads to my favorite part of the duel; when Obi-Wan drags Bane back to the ground and flings him into Eval and pulls a blaster on them to keep them from running off. HA- take THAT Bane!!! I've been wanting to see that ever since Bane electrocuted him in "The Hunt for Ziro." Go Obi-Wan!!! :D
I also liked the part where Anakin and Mace show up after he beat Bane and Eval and Bane finds out that Hardeen is actually Obi-Wan- their dialogue was quite funny :). I liked Obi-Wan's smile when Mace called him "Obi-Wan". I bet he was glad to finally be going by his actual name(which reminded me of him not going by his actual name while in exile). I really enjoyed Mace and Obi-Wan's friendship here; it sort of reminded me of the bond between Master and Padawan(with Mace being the Master)since Mace's response to Obi-Wan's "I hope it was worth it" made me think of Qui-Gon. I really liked it when Obi-Wan called Mace his friend and when Mace showed a great deal of joy to find that Obi-Wan was alive(yes, Mace is showing emotions on the Clone Wars!!!). I also enjoyed the scene where Obi-Wan was looking the holo-projection and was beginning to suspect that something was wrong.
The whole climax at the end was great. I loved it when Obi-Wan found the bug in his sniper case and realized that it was a trap. Anakin's duel with Dooku was quite cool; definitely the best Anakin-Dooku duel in TCW so far. I loved how it was in a dining hall and how Dooku used the Force to throw things at Anakin such as chairs. I felt bad for Anakin when he got two forks stuck in his arm, that has to HURT! I was just confused on why there wasn't any blood when he pulled them out but I guess they can't get too gory on a show aimed for kids.
I REALLY loved it when Obi-Wan ran really quickly to Anakin's aid and that, when he found Anakin crouched on the ground the first thing he asked was- "Are you all right?". I loved it when the two of them went after Dooku(who had the Chancellor) and while Anakin quickly exchanged lightsaber blows with his nemisis, Obi-Wan easily defeated the magna guard and got the Chancellor to safety. I was really excited to see Obi-Wan get his lightsaber back and get to use it since it has been a long time since he's used it at all(actually, he's barely used it all season...wow). I appreciated Dooku's line about Obi-Wan being a worthy opponent; you can tell that even though he doesn't like him, he at least respects him(which was nice since we see this in the ROTS novel). Also, Palpatine's line about there being no Jedi was quite creepy and had quite a lot of foreshadowing.
Obi-Wan and Anakin conversation earlier in the episode was good too; the emotion was very well done and I loved the actors chemistry. The dialogue was good too and we're definitely getting to see that Anakin is starting to distrust the Council. It kind of bothered me that it was Obi-Wan's decision to not tell Anakin even though I do understand why he did it and you can tell he really regrets the decision(it's been quite evident throughout the arc). And he DID tell Anakin that it was his decision instead of just letting Anakin blame the Council which took a lot of guts.
And on a final note, I really liked it when Obi-Wan shot Derrowyn's jet pack after the Bounty Hunter had shocked Anakin into semi-unconsciousness. I bet he didn't like that happening to his best friend. I also appreciated seeing Mace's concern for Anakin and the Chancellor; he sort of reminded me of Matthew Stover's Mace Windu.
The Bad: I don't have that much to complain about in this episode but there is one thing that sort of bothered me. I was really hoping to see some Obi-Wan and Anakin interactions in this episode(since I really love watching their friendship). It was in there but not enough for me. I really felt like they needed more since the two need to start growing back together(I knew it wouldn't happen over night but I was kind of hoping they could talk about it at the end). Though hopefully they show will show us this and not just continue on as if nothing even happened.
Overall, Crisis on Naboo was a worthy finale to this amazing arc. It was great to see Obi-Wan be his awesome self and be the star of the show since he was absent earlier this season. Even though there wasn't enough Obi-Wan/Anakin stuff, they did all right with that with the time they had and I'm looking forward to seeing them grow back together again. I'm also looking forward to seeing my Obi-Wan back; I've really missed seeing him as his normal self. I felt bad for the Jedi since they are going to all these links to keep the Chancellor safe and the little Sith Punk betrays them >:(
I'm not really looking forward to the next episode(s) since they will be about 'the return of Darth Maul' which I really don't like the idea of. Hopefully we'll get to see more of Obi-Wan since he has yet to appear in a finale(and if Maul HAS to return, Obi-Wan should be there). And hopefully we get to see more Obi-Wan and Anakin :)
So glad they did this arc since I'd been wanting to see something all about my favorite character and I have to say, they delivered it very well.
May the Force be with you!!
Jedi Shena Tokala out! :)
Thursday, February 9, 2012
From the holodiary of Aran Liander: Jedi Apprentic
981 ARR
Even though I very much hate to admit it, I have become obsessed with the secret. I feel terrible for my strong curiosity and ashamed that I can't release this secret into the Force.
Not only do I want to be positive that I know I am right in my assumption, but I want to know who Anakin is meeting. I know it's none of my business but I can't help but wonder. And I can't decide whether to tell anyone or not.
I've tried distracting myself from my secret by training with my Master and other Padawans but all it does take my mind off that and put it back on the darkness that still runs through everything and everyone on Coruscant and it just depresses me further. So, in order to put away that weary, defeatism, my self-conscious will thrust the burning curiosity into the forefront of my thoughts and I will once again start obsessing over what I now hold.
That's what brings me to what I've been meaning to write down.
I've done a terrible thing and I don't know how to forgive myself.......
I followed Anakin last night.
I know, I know, it was wrong and I hate myself for doing. If I could turn back time, I would have just stayed in bed but at the time I felt just like I had to know. I waited until night had descended like a shroud on Coruscant before leaving my room, dressed in a cloak with the hood pulled up, over my sleep-ware. I'd taken an air taxi to the Senatorial Sector; the driver not questioning me about why someone my age was running about alone in the middle of the night. That's one thing I've noticed- if your a Jedi , everyday people seem to forget that your still just a kid. No one ever asks how we are, personally. They want everything from us but never want anything in return-okay, I'll stop with the complaining, it's not the Jedi way.
Anyway, after arriving at the Senatorial sector, I saw Anakin's dark form disembarking from his fighter and I threw up a shield to hide my presence. I'd felt sick, as if my insides had turned into a mass of writhing worms and for a moment I nearly turned back in shame but...but my stupid, cursed curiosity got the better of me and I'd began to trail after Anakin's profile as he quietly made his way down the empty, moon-light flooded, walkways. Suddenly, he'd broken into a run and I'd had to pick up my pace to keep him in sight. I'd been sweating and the feeling of nausea was beginning to overpower me. I kept wanting to turn around but something seemed to be controlling my feet and continued my quick pace. I was surprised that Anakin didn't sense me; wouldn't he be more careful since he was breaking the rules.
Suddenly, I saw him reach an apartment building and at the barest knock, the door opens to reveal....Senator Amidala. I'd never worked with her but I'd heard enough of her to know that the Jedi trusted her and she was on very good terms with the Council; which was remarkable with her being a politician.
I didn't dare listen to what they spoke to each other but the tight embrace they gave told me enough. They were in love. Now I knew for sure that Anakin was breaking the rules and I-I just couldn't decided whether or not to turn them in. And I shouldn't have seen what I'd just witnessed; it was wrong, so wrong. Then a thought struck me. What would my Master think of me; spying on someone regarding something I had no right looking into. That was up to the Council, not me. Shame erupted in me then and my vision blurred so that the lights surrounding me had distorted into thick, milky banners. How could I? How could I?
I'd fled, shaking as vertigo over took me in overpowering waves. What I'd done was just about as bad as what Anakin was doing. I'd let my curiosity get the better of me. I'd done something I thought I'd long ago ridden myself of.
When I'd come to my full senses again, I'd been lying prone on a different walkway, shuddering and perspiring so badly one would have thought I'd been fighting for my life against numerous foes. Now I knew far more than I'd ever wanted to know and I still didn't have my answer on what I was supposed to do.
Now I know why a Jedi must conquer curiosity. Because if we do, we can easily ruin someones life or our own. If we let it get the better of us, we will found out more than we should know. That is why secrets are dangerous; because every single one is worth something and every single one is a tied to a person just like you. Jedi must know many things but there is a limit to it and I'd just crossed it.
I've been meditating all day and now I swear: I sweat I shall never do such a thing again.
But I've also decided something else. I won't tell the Council on Anakin; not now, anyway. And if he helps us win this war, I don't think I ever will.
Force help me for with the deaths, the darkside, the battles, the emptiness inside me, and this secret eating away at me, I don't know what to do. And I don't...I don't really feel like a Jedi right now and that is the worst of all.
All I know for sure is that my Master cares for me, that the Jedi are true, and the truth of our Code
There is no emotion, there is peace
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge
There is no passion, there is serenity
There is no chaos, there is harmony
There is no death, there is the Force
I've been repeating this mantra all day and I will continue until I feel like a Jedi once more.
May the Force be with you during these troubled times
Aran Liander
The Old Republic: Revan review
WARNING: This review contains spoilers for "The Old Republic: Revan" novel
Since I am a Star Wars Geek/Fangirl, I have, of course, heard of the infamous Darth Revan of the KOTOR games. I haven't yet had the chance to play these really awesome sounding games but from what I've read on Wookiepedia, Revan is a very interesting and epic character.
When I heard they were writing a novel about this character and that it would include such characters as Bastila Shan and The Jedi Exile(both of whom I've read about on Wookiepedia and found very intriguing) I was very excited and looked forward to the book's release. However, for one reason or another, I never got around to getting the book. So, around a month ago I Inter-library a loaned the book and after a few weeks the library bought the book and I got to start this slim chronicle.
The novel, from what I gather, takes place at both KOTOR games. It tells the story of Revan who has had many of his memories of his time with the dark side wiped and is suffering from dreams of a storm-covered world. Besides Revan the story also follows a Sith(both the species and the title)named Lord Scourge as he becomes entangled in a dangerous plot regarding the destruction of the Sith Emperor. I very much enjoyed the book but it wasn't quite what I was expecting. Here's why
The Plot: For the most part, the plot was intriguing and interesting to read about. I enjoyed reading about Revan's adventures with Canderous, Lord Scourge's endeavors, and Meetra's(the Exile) search for her friend. The action, where we saw it, was well written and exciting though my favorite part of the plot was the sections where the Jedi and the Sith had to work together; I've always found it very fascinating(and slightly amusing) when that sort of thing happenes since these two are always bitter enemies. Mr. Karpyshyn did a good job setting up the basic premise of the story and the story flowed well from one scene to another even when it skipped three years ahead. The story if the Emperor was also very chilling and well done; he's definitely one of those freaky villains to add to the most evil Sith Lord's ever list. I now very much want to know more about this vile excuse of a person.
Even though the story line was good, at times, it seemed a bit too rushed. Mr. Karpshyn's writing definitely wasn't on par with his amazing Darth Bane trilogy- it was lacking that spark of plot and characterization that was in his earlier work. Also, even though the action was exciting to read, I found the end battle with the Emperor to be WAY to quick; I would have liked to have seen the prowess of Revan and the Exile that I've heard so much about. Though, I will admit, even though the ending was a bit depressing, it was well executed and made sense.
The Characters: Strangely, for a book about Revan, we didn't get to see all that much of him. Since I haven't yet played the game, I was hoping I would get a deeper look into his psyche so I could understand him better but he really didn't have much depth in this book. Though he started to get more character towards the end and I liked him enough to feel bad for his fate.
I also had a problem with Bastila Shan; from what I'd read on Wookiepedia and heard, she sounded like this epic, kick-butt Jedi , but here she just whines about the Council, is a house wife, and kind of reminded me of Etain in the way she was acting :p. It really disappointed me since I really like what I've read about her character and she seemed to be an extremely epic character.
Meetra Surik, the Jedi Exile, was done well enough; she seemed like a true Jedi and her character was nicely done. However she didn't seem as powerful as she appears to be in the game, but then we don't see her fight that many foes. I was sad when she died since she was one of my favorite characters in the book(besides Revan and Scourge). I only wish I could have seen more of her; she's such a cool character.
In my opinion, I felt like the most well-done character was the Sith Lord Scourge(though of course that doesn't surprise me since Mr. Karpyshyn has always written Sith very well). For some reason, he didn't strike me as a full Sith, at least not in the way Sidious or Bane strike you as one. So when he did something particularly nasty or cruel, I always found myself surprised since he didn't seem to have that pure evil quality. His power, at the beginning also seemed lacking, but he later proved himself and earned his title. He also had this funny problem where the smiles of his superiors freaked him out; hehehehe >:)
I also really liked the artromech droid of T-3. At first he seemed to be an Artoo rip off but as the story unfolded he came to his own and I really started to like the little guy. His heroic end at the hand of the despicable Emperor was very sad and I wish he hadn't had to go out like that :(.
All in all, I enjoyed the book and I'd recommend it to other readers of the EU. It definitely had an Old Republic novel feel to it(I've already read Fatal Alliance and Deceived). I also will have to check out both of the KOTOR games and see some of the characters I wanted to know more about.
Now I move on to the awesome looking "Darth Plagues novel." don don DON!!
Have a good day, and May the Force be with you....Always :)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Writing Tips: Part 3: Section B
Writing Tips:
Part 3: Characters
Section B: The Hero/Heroine (also called the Protagonist)
Please remember that this article is slightly biased. My opinions are not the complete truth and some authors/readers may disagree with some of the things I write. Everything I write comes from experience in writing and reading things online and in books.
Sorry for not writing in a long time, I've been busy on Tuesdays with Taekwondo and writing classes and all, so I've decided to do this post on Wednesdays instead.
I've already went over characters in my last post, but here I will go deeper.
The Hero/Heroine figure in a story is, for the most part, the main character of the story. Sometimes the main character is the side character, a bystander, or even the villain but most of the time the Hero/Heroine and main character are one and the same. In this post when I refer to the main character I will be speaking about the hero/heroine.
In many ways, your main character is the most important figure in your story and so, they are sometimes the hardest to craft. What do they look like? What are their names? What are they like; are they genuinely nice, do they have a darker nature or are the even a mix of both? What is their gender and age? How do they fit into the story and how do they solve the problems that come to them?
There are different types of hero/heroine's to work with. There are the reluctant type who take on their responsibilities with great trepidation and there are the eager type who jump for the chance at adventure and glory(though a lot of the time they come to realize that adventure and glory isn't all it's cracked out to be). There is also the cocky action hero, and the modest humble hero who just does what they feel is right. There are many types of hero/heroine's to choose from and which ever you choose will help determine and shape your story.
It is important to realize that on your first try, that more likely than not, your main character isn't going to be the way you want them to be. And that's okay; your character will grow from the page and into you and your readers the longer you work with her/him. Main characters are always a joy to write; and even though sometimes we writers may worry that they aren't life-like, or three-dimensional enough, the hero/heroine will eventually pull through on their own(that is, if you stay with the same character and story).
Another thing to remember is that some of the time, after you've worked with your character enough to know them inside and out, they will take the story in a different direction or they will be drawn to a certain person in the story that you hadn't planned for before hand(I know this has happened to me...a lot).
Hero/Heroine do's and don't's
The MOST important thing to remember while creating your main character and how they deal with their situation is to make sure you know what to NOT do.
The number one thing to never do it make your character too perfect. This is what is called in the writing world a "Mary Sue" or a "Gary Stu". Sometimes as authors we want our characters to be the best since, half the time, this person is based on who we are and who we wish to be. It's very tempting for early authors to do this(I will admit to having done this when I first started) and since it's a common pitfall it's important to be on the lookout for this when re-reading your work.
Common traits of a Mary Sue/Gary Stu are perfect looks, having almost prodigious abilities, having an abundance of cliche and or stereotypical traits(such as red hair = hothead or blond hair = airhead), or absolutely no flaws.
Remember, characters are people and, like people, they should have flaws. They don't have to be huge, but the character should at least be like people you see around you. Your main character can be pretty/handsome and they can be good at what are learning to or already doing but don't go overboard on perfection; that way, the character won't be as easy to relate to for readers and won't seem like an actual person.
Also, please remember that your characters personality should reflect their personality. A person growing up in a crappy, abusive background they most likely isn't going to be some innocent, happy-go-lucky individual; though of course if you wanted to have him/her be that way in a twisted sort of way, it could make for an interesting story. But for the most part, try to understand where this person you have created is coming from, do research on things you don't fully understand or have never experienced.
Another thing I have noticed in several books is that sometimes the main character, especially if it's a girl, won't be directly involved in the action, especially if it has to do with a battle/fight. In my personal opinion, the main character, regardless of their gender, should be directly involved in the action; but then, that's just my take on it :)
Hero/Heroine's I enjoy and think are really good examples of well developed main characters.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Harry Potter
Luke Skywalker
Frodo Baggins
Same Gamgee(I know, he's more of a side-kick character, but to me, he's a hero)
Gregor (from The Underland Chronicles)
Siri Tachi
Katniss Everdeen
Anakin Skywalker(before he goes all evil, that is)
Percy Jackson
Todd Hewitt
Viola Eade
Ender Wiggins
Tally (from the Uglies series)
Ella(from Ella Enchanted)
Enna (from Enna Burning)
Princess Addie (from The Two Princesses of Bamarre)
Melinda Sordino (from Speak)
Jessie (from Running out of Time)
Maximum Ride
And of course, I really enjoy my main character :)
Who are some of your favorite heroes/heroines?
Have a good rest of your night and May the Force be with you! :)
Part 3: Characters
Section B: The Hero/Heroine (also called the Protagonist)
Please remember that this article is slightly biased. My opinions are not the complete truth and some authors/readers may disagree with some of the things I write. Everything I write comes from experience in writing and reading things online and in books.
Sorry for not writing in a long time, I've been busy on Tuesdays with Taekwondo and writing classes and all, so I've decided to do this post on Wednesdays instead.
I've already went over characters in my last post, but here I will go deeper.
The Hero/Heroine figure in a story is, for the most part, the main character of the story. Sometimes the main character is the side character, a bystander, or even the villain but most of the time the Hero/Heroine and main character are one and the same. In this post when I refer to the main character I will be speaking about the hero/heroine.
In many ways, your main character is the most important figure in your story and so, they are sometimes the hardest to craft. What do they look like? What are their names? What are they like; are they genuinely nice, do they have a darker nature or are the even a mix of both? What is their gender and age? How do they fit into the story and how do they solve the problems that come to them?
There are different types of hero/heroine's to work with. There are the reluctant type who take on their responsibilities with great trepidation and there are the eager type who jump for the chance at adventure and glory(though a lot of the time they come to realize that adventure and glory isn't all it's cracked out to be). There is also the cocky action hero, and the modest humble hero who just does what they feel is right. There are many types of hero/heroine's to choose from and which ever you choose will help determine and shape your story.
It is important to realize that on your first try, that more likely than not, your main character isn't going to be the way you want them to be. And that's okay; your character will grow from the page and into you and your readers the longer you work with her/him. Main characters are always a joy to write; and even though sometimes we writers may worry that they aren't life-like, or three-dimensional enough, the hero/heroine will eventually pull through on their own(that is, if you stay with the same character and story).
Another thing to remember is that some of the time, after you've worked with your character enough to know them inside and out, they will take the story in a different direction or they will be drawn to a certain person in the story that you hadn't planned for before hand(I know this has happened to me...a lot).
Hero/Heroine do's and don't's
The MOST important thing to remember while creating your main character and how they deal with their situation is to make sure you know what to NOT do.
The number one thing to never do it make your character too perfect. This is what is called in the writing world a "Mary Sue" or a "Gary Stu". Sometimes as authors we want our characters to be the best since, half the time, this person is based on who we are and who we wish to be. It's very tempting for early authors to do this(I will admit to having done this when I first started) and since it's a common pitfall it's important to be on the lookout for this when re-reading your work.
Common traits of a Mary Sue/Gary Stu are perfect looks, having almost prodigious abilities, having an abundance of cliche and or stereotypical traits(such as red hair = hothead or blond hair = airhead), or absolutely no flaws.
Remember, characters are people and, like people, they should have flaws. They don't have to be huge, but the character should at least be like people you see around you. Your main character can be pretty/handsome and they can be good at what are learning to or already doing but don't go overboard on perfection; that way, the character won't be as easy to relate to for readers and won't seem like an actual person.
Also, please remember that your characters personality should reflect their personality. A person growing up in a crappy, abusive background they most likely isn't going to be some innocent, happy-go-lucky individual; though of course if you wanted to have him/her be that way in a twisted sort of way, it could make for an interesting story. But for the most part, try to understand where this person you have created is coming from, do research on things you don't fully understand or have never experienced.
Another thing I have noticed in several books is that sometimes the main character, especially if it's a girl, won't be directly involved in the action, especially if it has to do with a battle/fight. In my personal opinion, the main character, regardless of their gender, should be directly involved in the action; but then, that's just my take on it :)
Hero/Heroine's I enjoy and think are really good examples of well developed main characters.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Harry Potter
Luke Skywalker
Frodo Baggins
Same Gamgee(I know, he's more of a side-kick character, but to me, he's a hero)
Gregor (from The Underland Chronicles)
Siri Tachi
Katniss Everdeen
Anakin Skywalker(before he goes all evil, that is)
Percy Jackson
Todd Hewitt
Viola Eade
Ender Wiggins
Tally (from the Uglies series)
Ella(from Ella Enchanted)
Enna (from Enna Burning)
Princess Addie (from The Two Princesses of Bamarre)
Melinda Sordino (from Speak)
Jessie (from Running out of Time)
Maximum Ride
And of course, I really enjoy my main character :)
Who are some of your favorite heroes/heroines?
Have a good rest of your night and May the Force be with you! :)
Monday, February 6, 2012
Favorite Song Monday
Today's song of choice is "I'm Still Here" by Vertical Horizon. I LOVE THIS SONG!!!
It's definitely one of those songs I can call 'my song' :). It's got amazing lyrics and I really like the singer's voice and the instrumentation.
Here is a Star Wars related video that goes to the song. I think this song fits Obi-Wan and Anakin EXTREMELY well. Enjoy :D and May the Force be with you! :)
It's definitely one of those songs I can call 'my song' :). It's got amazing lyrics and I really like the singer's voice and the instrumentation.
Here is a Star Wars related video that goes to the song. I think this song fits Obi-Wan and Anakin EXTREMELY well. Enjoy :D and May the Force be with you! :)
Friday, February 3, 2012
"The Box" Review
Before I start this review, I want to ask, who else thinks that Eval is super weird looking here? >:)
While not as good as the last two episodes "The Box" was still an awesome and enjoyable episode(well, Obi-Wan's in it, so there is a 99 percent chance it will be epic to some extent:)).
The plot revolves around a group of Bounty Hunters(and one undercover Jedi) being tested to see who is skilled and smart enough to take on the Separatist's plot of kidnapping the Chancellor. The bounty hunters are sent through many fatal tasks and dangerous environments(it slightly reminded me of The Hunger Games and Portal).
Who will escape "The Box?"...okay that sounded like some horror film :p.
The Good: Pretty much everything! The interior of the box was EPIC!
I really enjoyed Obi-Wan in this episode. He's a really great actor(he has pretty much everyone convinced) but I love how his mortality shines through. He helps people out quite a lot through out the trials in the Box such as when he solves the problems and leads everyone out and the time he tried to help that bounty hunter who fell onto the ray shielded floor(You could tell Obi-Wan felt bad about that). You can really see his leadership skills here which shows why he was such an amazing Jedi and General(he knows what he is doing). I also enjoyed seeing him help other Bounty Hunters up from holes and through the laser beam room; he really is a gentlemen :).
I loved how Obi-Wan was helping out Cad Bane during the trials; he even held a hand out to help him out of the hold they were climbing out of. Though, of course, he slapped his hand away(*shakes fist* meanie:p!) I also LOVED Obi-Wan's line "What took you so long?" to Bane; it was the exact line Obi-Wan said to Anakin in AOTC. I was so excited when I heard that!!!:D.
And Obi-Wan ROCKED against Eval; he really kicked his sorry, cowardly, butt! I loved he used hand-to-hand combat to fight that guy(I think I saw him use the Force when he was doing those jumps) and the chase through the maze was great. I also loved it when Obi-Wan pummeled the Eval in the face then stopped before he could finish him off and refused to when Dooku brought it up(go Obi-Wan!!!!!). He really is a good man on all accounts and that short scene shows it quite well.
The Dioxis test was quite interesting; Obi-Wan's reaction and warning of it's danger really reminded me of TPM(remember when the Trade Federation tried to poison him and his Master?) I really like all these slip ins from the films they have been doing lately, they are very cool.
I was quite shocked(and pleased)when Bane grabbed Obi-Wan before he fell into the fire(I'm sure he would have gotten himself out somehow) but it really showed that Bane has a conscious which was great to see. I actually think I have some respect for him now(wow, I never thought that would happen). It shows that if you deal out kindness, kindness will be dealt back to you :). I also liked Bane line of "If your going to kill him, do it like a man." And when faced with doing it in face-to-face combat, Eval cannot beat our little Jedi friend >:).
I really think Dooku suspects something. He had this thoughtful look on his face and the way he said "Obi-Wan Kenobi?" really reinforces this idea for me. But of course, I'd been expecting that Dooku should sense that something was amiss(I mean Anakin found out) and Obi-Wan was the Padawan of his Padawan. I wonder what will happen with this......
The beginning with Anakin and Yoda was nice and well done(with LOADS of foreshadowing >:)) but it seemed like it was kind of abrupt and a random segment in the episode that was otherwise at another location.
Oh, and I loved it when Obi-Wan and Bane rammed Eval's shoulders at the beginning in the beginning of the episode. Haha, Obi-Wan and Bane are now buddies(jk!)
I loved the little smile Obi-Wan gave before putting his helmet back on at the end of the episode. I bet he was thinking "Ha, I have you NOW Dooku!" I also think he was probably glad that the mission was almost over. Because, as every actor knows, playing the villain is fun, but it is always nice to go back to being ourselves.
The Bad: Not really anything majorly terrible but I didn't like it when Obi-Wan fell(I was very worried for him there..:(). I also didn't like it when Eval cheated to make it impossible for Obi-Wan to hit the target(at first I thought he was just missing, but then I realized that it had to do with Eval making it impossible to hit since he didn't want to fall out of favor with Dooku).
Also, the close ups and awkward angles of Dooku's angular face was sort of gross- I mean, I don't want to see animated Dooku's face at that close of quarters, it's weird :p.
All in all, a very enjoyable episode and a great addition to this already EPIC arc! Really looking forward to the finale "Crisis on Naboo" which, from the preview I just saw, looks like it will be awesome! They really need to make more episodes of this caliber(they are quite a few of this caliber and I hope to see this continue more strongly in the future).
And not only do we have the grand finale of this awesome arc to look forward to, but next Friday we will also be graced with the opportunity to see "The Phantom Menace" in 3D at the theaters! I'm so excited since I've never gotten to see one in theaters before. So this Friday we get DOUBLE the Star Wars and both involve the planet Naboo!!! Haha, what a coincidence :)(I think not, it was the will of the Force of course ;)).
Till next time my Jedi, Sith, and Bounty Hunter friends and May the Force be with you...Always. Enjoy the rest of your night.
Jedi Shena Tokala out :D
Thursday, February 2, 2012
From the holodiary of Aran Liander: Jedi Apprentice
981 ARR
I saw something strange and worrying last night and I still can't quite piece together everything in my mind about it.
I hadn't been able to sleep so I'd slipped out of my bedroom to see if the soft blue lights of the hall would lull my senses to near-sleep. But instead what I saw made me stay awake almost all night. I had been passing a large window when I saw a small ship leaving from the Temple's Hangar and passing extremely close to where I stood. Confused, I'd pressed my face to the glass and saw that Anakin Skywalker was inside the starfighter, his face a mixture of emotions so tangled I couldn't perceive them. 'Where could Anakin be heading at this late hour?' I'd wondered, keeping my gaze locked on the fighter as it immersed into traffic and flew towards the....Senatorial Sector? Why would a Jedi be heading towards the place that Senators, Representatives, and their assistants resided?
Unless of course...I remember stretching out with the Force towards the fleeting blip that was the starfighter and feeling a hot, pulse against my Force connection.
I'd stumbled away from the window when it hit me. He was meeting someone. And not the kind 'meeting' of someone where you pass or gather information but the other kind. The type of meeting where you meet someone you love- romantically. Anakin was breaking on of the most fundamental rules of the Jedi Order and the Code; Jedi do not marry or form any other sort of romantic relationship. Things like attachment, passion, and possession are all forbidden to us Jedi since they can and have led to the darkside.
I'd slumped against the wall, the sudden realization flooding me with confusion and panic. I couldn't believe it, I still can't. How could he do that? I mean, we all struggle with controlling our emotions and attraction. I know almost all the Masters have had to conquer those human urges; my own Master even had to and he still does. I've even caught myself staring at a nice looking girl every once in awhile, but I always stop the moment I realize I'm doing it. I'm a Jedi and I know better that to let those emotions caused by the troublesome id to get the better of me. But to act on those feelings of attraction and love; to break the rules like that. How can he do that? The idea makes me want to scream at him “How can you, Anakin? Jedi are supposed to stay away from those sort of self-indulgences. Don't you know better?”
And that leads to the next question- what am I supposed to do about it? I know I should turn him in to the Council, but we're in the middle of a war and Anakin is still one of the few Jedi that people revere and trust. Plus he's an amazing duelist and has helped along many a victory.
To toss him out would only worsen the war effort and worsen our image to the republic. But keeping it to myself would be as bad as lying and Jedi aren't supposed to lie unless it is absolutely necessary. Is it absolutely necessary? Who was I to know the answer to that- I don't even know if the Council would have been able to figure out what to do.
Then I'd thought of Obi-Wan. Does he know? I would think he would at least suspect since they are so close. Should I at least tell him? He was Anakin's former Master, after all, and his best friend; maybe he can help him. Maybe he could make him meet whomever he was rendezvousing with.
With all these thoughts buzzing in my head(and they still are), I'd went to the Temple roof to wait and watch the sun rise since I knew I wouldn't get a wink of sleep. I was starting to feel terrible. Not physically ill like I had several days ago but deep within me; making my heart heavy with the weight of the secret I now carried. My Master found me just after sunrise and, without a word, took a seat beside me. We sat in silence while the sky lit up like a candle ablaze for a long time, him a calm, steady presence, me feeling throttled with guilt and confusion. Should I tell my Master what I'd seen and suspected- no, knew?
“Aran, are you all right. I sense a great deal of emotion in you at the moment. Do you want to tell me something?” I'd taken a deep breath and told him “
I...-I know a secret and I can't decide what to do- or who to tell.” My Master's face had taken a rosy glow from the streamers of sunlight, but his eyes looked far away and wan.
“Secrets are dangerous things. You must think long and hard about what you know, my Padawan. Meditate on it in the Force and maybe an answer will come to you.”
I've been doing just that all day and I'm no nearer to an answer than when I first started. I feel an extremely ill sensation in my mind, the secret twisting itself into a deadly viper inside my skull.
I hate keeping secrets from my Master but I can't be the cause of a great Jedi like Anakin to be removed from the Order. I don't want to cause a scandal. Sometimes I wish I could just breath in and erase last night; pretend I never saw what I did, but I can't waste time wallowing in the past.
Now I think I know why my Master gave me this holodiary; it was something I could put my innermost thoughts into and not worry about having a response or a rebuke; just a silent, understanding listener. I actually think I feel slightly better getting it all out.
Well, I guess I'd better get back to meditating on what to do with my secret; I want to get this mess over as soon as possible. r
May the Force be with you and let my confusion in my mind be calmed like the ocean after a storm.
Aran Liander
From the holodiary of Aran Liander: Jedi Apprentice
981 ARR
I saw something strange and worrying last night and I still can't quite piece together everything in my mind about it.
I hadn't been able to sleep so I'd slipped out of my bedroom to see if the soft blue lights of the hall would lull my senses to near-sleep. But instead what I saw made me stay awake almost all night. I had been passing a large window when I saw a small ship leaving from the Temple's Hangar and passing extremely close to where I stood. Confused, I'd pressed my face to the glass and saw that Anakin Skywalker was inside the starfighter, his face a mixture of emotions so tangled I couldn't perceive them. 'Where could Anakin be heading at this late hour?' I'd wondered, keeping my gaze locked on the fighter as it immersed into traffic and flew towards the....Senatorial Sector? Why would a Jedi be heading towards the place that Senators, Representatives, and their assistants resided?
Unless of course...I remember stretching out with the Force towards the fleeting blip that was the starfighter and feeling a hot, pulse against my Force connection.
I'd stumbled away from the window when it hit me. He was meeting someone. And not the kind 'meeting' of someone where you pass or gather information but the other kind. The type of meeting where you meet someone you love- romantically. Anakin was breaking on of the most fundamental rules of the Jedi Order and the Code; Jedi do not marry or form any other sort of romantic relationship. Things like attachment, passion, and possession are all forbidden to us Jedi since they can and have led to the darkside.
I'd slumped against the wall, the sudden realization flooding me with confusion and panic. I couldn't believe it, I still can't. How could he do that? I mean, we all struggle with controlling our emotions and attraction. I know almost all the Masters have had to conquer those human urges; my own Master even had to and he still does. I've even caught myself staring at a nice looking girl every once in awhile, but I always stop the moment I realize I'm doing it. I'm a Jedi and I know better that to let those emotions caused by the troublesome id to get the better of me. But to act on those feelings of attraction and love; to break the rules like that. How can he do that? The idea makes me want to scream at him “How can you, Anakin? Jedi are supposed to stay away from those sort of self-indulgences. Don't you know better?”
And that leads to the next question- what am I supposed to do about it? I know I should turn him in to the Council, but we're in the middle of a war and Anakin is still one of the few Jedi that people revere and trust. Plus he's an amazing duelist and has helped along many a victory.
To toss him out would only worsen the war effort and worsen our image to the republic. But keeping it to myself would be as bad as lying and Jedi aren't supposed to lie unless it is absolutely necessary. Is it absolutely necessary? Who was I to know the answer to that- I don't even know if the Council would have been able to figure out what to do.
Then I'd thought of Obi-Wan. Does he know? I would think he would at least suspect since they are so close. Should I at least tell him? He was Anakin's former Master, after all, and his best friend; maybe he can help him. Maybe he could make him meet whomever he was rendezvousing with.
With all these thoughts buzzing in my head(and they still are), I'd went to the Temple roof to wait and watch the sun rise since I knew I wouldn't get a wink of sleep. I was starting to feel terrible. Not physically ill like I had several days ago but deep within me; making my heart heavy with the weight of the secret I now carried. My Master found me just after sunrise and, without a word, took a seat beside me. We sat in silence while the sky lit up like a candle ablaze for a long time, him a calm, steady presence, me feeling throttled with guilt and confusion. Should I tell my Master what I'd seen and suspected- no, knew?
“Aran, are you all right. I sense a great deal of emotion in you at the moment. Do you want to tell me something?” I'd taken a deep breath and told him “
I...-I know a secret and I can't decide what to do- or who to tell.” My Master's face had taken a rosy glow from the streamers of sunlight, but his eyes looked far away and wan.
“Secrets are dangerous things. You must think long and hard about what you know, my Padawan. Meditate on it in the Force and maybe an answer will come to you.”
I've been doing just that all day and I'm no nearer to an answer than when I first started. I feel an extremely ill sensation in my mind, the secret twisting itself into a deadly viper inside my skull.
I hate keeping secrets from my Master but I can't be the cause of a great Jedi like Anakin to be removed from the Order. I don't want to cause a scandal. Sometimes I wish I could just breath in and erase last night; pretend I never saw what I did, but I can't waste time wallowing in the past.
Now I think I know why my Master gave me this holodiary; it was something I could put my innermost thoughts into and not worry about having a response or a rebuke; just a silent, understanding listener. I actually think I feel slightly better getting it all out.
Well, I guess I'd better get back to meditating on what to do with my secret; I want to get this mess over as soon as possible. r
May the Force be with you and let my confusion in my mind be calmed like the ocean after a storm.
Aran Liander